Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fossils, Minerals, & Gemstones:

"Abhainnocrinus abhainnensis" ("river lily")-A Species of unpublished Crinoid

Abalone- (Halotis asinina)-A stone for strengthening the muscular tissue, especially around the heart. Very good in the treatment of spinal degeneration diseases. Above all, it is a stone of love, but if the lover be false its influence is reversed, and the opal proves a sorry stone for faithless lovers.

Actinolite- A stone for clensing the liver, this gem works on the heart chakra to produce awareness. It is very soothing and brings awareness.

Aegerine-Aegerine is a high energy stone that is often used for energizing. It protects against psychic attacks and negative energy. Emotionally, it can be very helpful for broken relationships, eliminating group pressure, and strengthening self-acceptance. It builds self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and helps follow your heart. Aegerine is associated with the root and solar plexus chakras. Mystical and spiritual healing lore indicates that aegerine is excellent for the immune system, making it great for general healing and helping the body heal itself.

Agate-Excellent for emotional and physical balancing, digestion, grounding, building healthy energy patterns and self-confidence, longevity, protection, self-honesty, reducing stress, and blood circulation. Aids the development of one's psychic ability. Sometimes considered an unlucky stone, perhaps because it causes one's thoughts - good or bad - to rebound upon oneself!

Ajoite- Ajoite is a stone of peace and harmony. It can help release and overcome sorrow, anger, fear, and heal old emotional wounds. Ajoite also helps connect to the Higher Self and God/Universe/Goddess/All That Is. It is also excellent for meditation. Ajoite can remove and release negative energies from the physical, emotional, and etheric bodies. It acts as a stone of transformation, bringing change and growth. Ajoite is related to and excellent for work with the throat and heart chakras. Ajoite is agreat stone for spiritual healers and spiritual seekers, and is said to be a very powerful healing booster.

Albite- A stone which strengthens the lungs, spleen and thymus.

Alexandrite-helps the nervous system, spleen, pancreas and testicles. May be used to amplify color therapy. Alleviates worries, lifts spirits, improves one's confidence, intuition, spiritual wisdom, energy and courage. Encourages self-nurturing in those with a poor self-image.

Amazonite-Encourages self-confidence; Aligns physical and etheric bodies.

Amber-Although it may look like one, Amber is not really a stone but the yellow-brown fossilized resin of trees. Sacred to American Indians. Electro magnetic properties. Reputed to have the ability to draw disease from the body. It absorbs negative energy so it needs cleansing regularly. Acts through the solar plexus chakra.

Amethyst -Spiritual development, divine connection, mental clarity, healing, balancing and controlling temperament, love, wisdom, courage, psychic growth, dreaming, protection and invulnerability. Helps to overcome addiction (alcohol) and increase hormone production. Beneficial for the circulatory and nervous system, relaxation, astral travel, seeing beyond illusions and banishing nightmares.

Ammolite-Ammolite is fossilized ammonite that has been compressed under great pressure beneath the ground, which is what gives it its wonderful colors. Ammolite is said to radiate positive Earth energy, and to bring good luck and prosperity. It is also said to grant miracles. Ammolite is excellent as a tool for deep meditation. Ammolite is also used mystically for general good health, stamina and high energy.

Andalusite- Andalusite is sometimes called "The Seeing Stone" because it is used in metaphysical works to calmly see the various parts of one's character without bias. It is also used to see the different sides of a problem, and is used for scrying. Andalusite is said to enhance memory and recall. It is also said to bring chivalry. Andalusite can bring moderation and balance. It is also a stone that is said to be helpful for meditation and centering. Physically andalusite is used in crystal healing and folk healing for AIDS, eye problems, deficiencies in calcium, oxygen, iodine, and water retention. Andalusite is associated with the solar plexus and heart chakras.

Angel Aura Quartz- Angel Aura Quartz is quartz that is permanently treated by fusing platinum and/or silver crystals with heat and vacuum to give it its gorgeous angelic coloring. Mystical lore counts It a stone of high spiritual energy. It is said that it is very helpful to the aura which it can protect, balance, and bring energetic health. In addition it has been said to assist in raising Kundalini energy in a more gentle manner. It is used in meditation and can help one meditate on finding the proper course of action in life. It is said to help with angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used by mystics to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings. Physically, mystical lore reputes that angel aura is helpful for general health, vitality, and miraculous cure of illness. Angel aura is associated primarily with the crown chakra.

Angelite-Working on the heart and throat chakras, it calms fear and anxiety. Blue / white crystal with many spiritual properties.

Angel Wing (Alunite) - Angel Wing is a stone that can help balance yin/yang, physical and emotional energies as well as environmental energies, bringing unbalanced or dysfunctional energies into harmony. Because of this, angel wing has a stabilizing and grounding effect. For balancing energies in a room or other space, simply place angel wing in a corner or other inconspicuous place. It is also beneficial in the arts, heightening creativity while at the same time grounding that creativity in current reality, thus bringing creative arts to life. Angel Wing was used by Ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures to reduce body odor. Alunite is used in crystal healing for problems with eye-sight, body odor, excessive thirst, and dehydration. Angel Wing has been related to the heart chakra, although it is more commonly related to the sacral and root chakras.

Anhydrite-This stone strengthens the kidneys and ovaries.

Apache Tear - protects from negative energy; disperses and draws off negative energy

Apatite-Strengthens muscle tissue, aids in coordinating basic motor responses. Assists people suffering from stuttering and used in the treatment of hypertension.

Apophyllite- Use for meditation, clairvoyance and astral travel. Green is the most powerful color

Aqua Aura-Improves heart, lungs, throat, and thymus. Good for people suffering from emotional traumas. Aids release of inner emotional tension from deep within the body. Helps meditation.

Aquamarine-Bluish-green transparent Beryl; the Aquamarine is supposed to be most useful when dealing with the problems of the eyes, liver, throat, stomach, nerves, and glands. Relieves toothache, improves sight. Preserves innocence. Quickens intellect, increases self-knowledge. It is also reputed to promote clear and logical thinking and for that reason is often carried as a 'good luck' charm by those who are taking examinations or being interviewed for a job. Brings inspiration and new ideas. Assists conscious communication with star-seed sources and is a healing balm for the deep longing - and heartfelt yearning - of many people to "go home". Moldavite also helps one to understand one's true purpose in life. A stone for transformation.

Aragonite- Aragonite stone healing power: Translucent purple-pink-brown hexagonal or white needle crystals. Use for deep, peaceful meditation and balancing yin-yang energy. Ideal gift for young people facing the first problems of life.

Arrowheads- Used for heads of spears and arrows. Made from various stones

Atacamite- This stone strengthens the genitals, thyroid and the nervous system. Used in the treatment of venereal diseases, including herpes.

Atlantisite- Atlantisite is a combination of green Atlantisite, also called Tasmanite or Stichtite-Serpentine, is a combination of Green Serpentine and Stichtite, and as such, has a synergistic energy that includes the energies of the two stones but has its own energies. Atlantisite has been used to end disputes, for Spiritual awareness, and to understande the concept and energies of love. Atlantisite is considered by many to bring the energies of ancient civilizations from Mu, Atlantis, and Lemuria, particularly in healing energies. It is used in crystal healing for heart; lungs; muscular issues such as cramps, menstrual cramping, hernias; and glucose control metabolic disorders such as diabetes and hypoglycemia, as well as a general crystal healing stone. It is considered to be a stone that resonates to and links the energies of the Crown and Heart chakras.

Auricalcite- Calms and clears, good to use in high anxiety situations. Helps after nervous breakdowns, relaxes over tense muscles, also good in childbirth. Neutralizes red energies.

Azeztulite- Azeztulite is a stone with a very high energy vibration that is said to be from the Angelic realm. It is an ascenscion stone that is used in psychic and mystical work to raise one's vibration. Although Azeztulite is a type of quartz, it has much higher energy than regular quartzes. Azeztulite is used in meditation to expand and raise consciousness and bring great Light energy to the meditation. This stone is also used by metaphysicians to help project positive energy to benefit self and other. Azeztulite is also used on the third-eye to assist in clairvoyant viewing of the future. This stone demonstrates no negative or neutral energy, but is truly positive in energy and never needs cleansing or reenergizing. Crystal healers consider azeztulite energies to remove energetic blocks and snarls, allowing full flow of energy and healing dis-ease of all types. Crystal healers also use azeztulite to assist in rapid but comfortable cellular regeneration and rejufenation. Azeztulite is related primarily with the crown and soulstar chakras.

Azurite-A natural blue copper carbonate. The Azurite is said to be an aid to psychic development and is a very powerful stone. Also aids meditation. Relates to penetrating through your deepest fear in the subconscious. It is used as a general healing stone. Relieves arthritis and joint disabilities. Reduces hip joint pain.

Azurite-Malachite- Azurite-Malachite stone healing power: Green tinges Healing stone for skin disorder. Helps reduce vanity and excessive feelings of self importance.

Barite Jewelry - Barite stone healing power: The 'Desert rose' is the popular stone. Blue was very popular with the ancients, who used it to calm shock by placing it on the brow chakra. Much used as a healing stone for soldiers injured in battle. Gold is for honesty and dignity. Clear is for clarity of thought.

Benitoite- Blue, purple fluorescent mineral. For clairvoyance.

Beryl-Helps heart problems, liver trouble, mouth, stomach and throat infections. Improves intellect, strengthens will-power, guards against stupidity and mental disorders.

Binghamite- Binghamite was named for W.J. Bingham. It is also called "Silkstone" for the silky look of the colors and strings of "silk" in it, and sometimes called "American Tiger Eye" because it resembles a tiger eye. Binghamite is a stone that is said to bring all manner of good things, particularly good fortune. It is also said to have the energies of fairies and elves, which is a very positive energy. In crystal work, Binghamite is used to communicate with the inner child. It is also used by metaphysicians for clairaudience and communication with other worlds. Physically, in crystal healing lore, Binghamite is used to regenerate energy flow in the body, renew cells, eases disease, Theta brain wave patterns, burns, convulsions, anemia, and ear nose and throat problems. Binghamite is also used in crystal healing to energize and direct other minerals energies.

Bixbite- is known metaphysically as a stone of soothing and healing. It is used by intuitives and mystics to bring harmony to relationships and enhance compatibility. It is alsosaid to be helpful to heal griefs and depressions. Bixbite is also used to strengthen creativity energy. Physically, intuitive sources say that bixbite is good for healing problems with the physical heart, liver, lungs, mouth, throat, stomach, physical energy level, and digestive system. Bixbite is related to the heart and sacral charkas.

Black Jasper is a stone with a highly protective energy. It also has very healing energy. Black Jasper is said to bring good luck to the bearer in a fight, whether it be a mental, political, legal, or other type of fight. It is also used for protection against lightning. Black jasper is said to have energies of determining value; It was used as a touchstone for determining gold content in allows for thousands of years. In addition it has the other properties of jasper. Physically, black jasper is said to be helpful for relieving pain, stomach ailments, foot problems, and hip dysplagia. Black jasper is related to the root chakra. Black jasper is sometimes called "blackstone".

Black Obsidian- Obsidian is a very protective stone, and is excellent for removing negativity. It is also excellent protection against psychic attacks. In particular obsidian protects the gentle from abuse. It is a very grounding stone, and very healing. Physically it benefits the stomach, intestines, muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections. It sharpens and focuses internal and external vision, and helps get in touch with buried issues before they explode. Obsidian is related to the root chakra.

Black Onyx - strengthens your energy during confusing or stressful times both physically and mentally.

Black Tourmaline – protective and psychic shield; protects against psychic attacks; repels negative energy Strengthens nervous system, regulates blood pressure. Deflects negative energy, attracts prosperity.

Bloodstone - excellent grounding and protective stone; banishes evil and negative energy; Deep-green precious stone flecked with red; it is believed that the Bloodstone will help to overcome depression and melancholia - especially if it is worn by the sufferer. It is also said to help those who suffer from psychosomatic illness and pains which have an emotional rather than a physical cause. Bloodstone is also a purifier of the blood and a general detoxification of organs, particularly the liver, kidneys and spleen. It helps to allow light into the body. Provides vitality, strengthens idealism and the will to do good - especially for charity. Increases one's talent, stimulates the kundalini and balances all of the chakras.

Blue Calcite- Calming stone that also has healing properties for liver and colon.

Blue John-Beautiful fluorite from the Blue John cavern in Derbyshire, England. The only place so far, which it has been found. Strangely enough, it is not blue but comes in a variety of colors.

Blue Peruvian Opal- is mystically known as a stone of courage and ingenuity. It is said to improve self-esteem and self-love. It is also said to be an aid to creativity and communication of all types. It is reputed to help one find a confidant. Peruvian blue opal is also said to help with stress reduction, fatigue, and weight loss. Crytal healing lore reputes that Peruvian (Andean) blue opal is physically healing for fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, metabolic balance issues, iron absorption, dizziness, and brain disorders. Blue Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the throat chakra.

Blue Quartz-Helps improve heart, lungs, throat and thymus. Good for people suffering from emotional traumas. Aids the release of inner emotional tension from deep within the body.

Blue Topaz-Throat disorders, calming. Inspires leadership ability, psychic insight, spiritual and artistic growth.

Blue Tourmaline-All throat problems, thyroid, speech impediments. Promotes clear verbal expression, dissolves mental friction, emotional constriction. Carries a high electrical charge and if rubbed briskly one end becomes positive and one negative, the energy can then be directed wherever peaceful energy is required.

Blue-Lace Agate- is a very calming stone. It is helpful for freely expressing oneself and how one feels and thinks. Provides cool and soothing energy which is good for neutralizing red energies such as anger, infections, inflammations, fevers etc. Helps to open the throat chakra.

Boji Stone-Has general healing qualities and assists tissue regeneration. Strengthens all the chakras and meridians.

Bornite- Called "The stone of happiness" because it can do so much. Excellent healing stone that also protects us from all negative energy. Helps us to let go of the old and gives great insight into the new.

Botswana Agate- Use with high-pressure oxygen therapy and smoke inhalation.

Bowenite-Translucence green mineral.

Brass-Alloy of copper and tin. Used as a shield.

Brecciated Jasper- Helps with animal allergies. Encourages attunement with animals. Brings happiness and a positive outlook. Wards off dehydration. Brings joy and happiness. Increases physical endurance. Heals trauma. Grounds energy.

Bronze- Another alloy, touch is important with this metal. As physical contact with this metal, it can bring on great calmness and deep meaningful thoughts, leading to a far greater insight into your problems.

Bronzite- Bronzite is called both a "Stone of Focused Action" and a "Stone of Courtesy". It is helpful for helping with certainty and with taking control of our actions. It can also help one to think ahead about things, enhancing the ability to take control of our own lives. In this, because bronzite helps dispel uncertainty, it can help us also take necessary actions for our own benefit, while still being loving and polite and principled in our behavior. Bronzite is a good grounding stone also. It is excellent for these same reasons to promote change in a harmonious way. Physically, Bronzite is used in crystal healing for ailments related to the solar plexus chakra, assimilation of iron, lessening muscular tension, dispelling restlessness caused by emotional and psycho-physical ailments.

Bustamite- Bustamite is best known for its energetic ability to remove and clear energy blockages. It is a very powerful stone for all types of energy work because of this. It can remove an energy block from a person, a particular chakra, an environment, or a situation. It is also excellent for meditation and can help one go deeper into meditation than previously possible. It is also great for dreamwork and can help communicate with angels. Bustamite is used often in ceremonies and initiations. Emotionally, bustamite helps one feel safe, which can lead to many different kinds of emotional healing, including removing anxiety and stress. Physically, bustamite has been used to heal and improve circulation, lungs, skin, nails, hair, and stress related disorders.

Butterfly-wing Agate-A multi-colored agate with patterns like that of a Butterfly's wing

Cacoxinite- A golden colored mineral that sometimes forms as an inclusion in quartz or amethyst. It is a rather rare occurrence, and can make for visually spectacular stones to be used in jewelry. Found mainly in western Brazil. Cacoxinite can bring new ideas into one's thoughts and can activate the third eye and crown chakras. It brings personal will into harmony with the higher self.

Calcite-Lime green uses for soothing the spirit. Yellow cleans toxins from body. Clear is clearer vision and general cleansing. Blue eases back pain. Orange is for happiness and great humor. White improves memory.

Carribbean Blue Chalcedony- Carribbean blue chalcedony is a stone related to the element of water. Although it is dyed to give it such a bright blue color, the coloring fits is basic "watery" nature. Carribbean blue chalcedony is very helpful in the emotional realm. It can calm anxieties and stress, and bring emotional healing in times of grief. It also assists with communication, particularly communications that are involved in emotional things. Physically, according to crystal healing and folk lore, Carribbean blue chalcedony can be used to heal menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms, and knee problems.

Carnelian - grounds and anchors you; cleanses other stones.

Cat's Eye -(November Birthstone). Yellow / green / brown / blue / orange, etc. Similar to Chrysoberyl. Like a cat's eye it reflects light.

Catlinite- Catlinite, also called pipestone, is traditionally used as a Native American ceremony stone, for making pipes and other totems. Catlinite has the quality of connecting the spiritual and the physical. It can be used to ground prayer and ritual into the physical, everyday life. It is also a very protective stone. Catlinite is also used for communication with spirits and the ancestors. Catlinite is related primarily to the root (base) chakra.

Cavansite- Cavansite is a stone that aids in many psychic areas. It can stimulate intuition greatly, heightens psychic awareness, stimulates the third eye, and enhances channeling abilities. It is especially helpful in psychic healing and protects the healer during psychic healing sessions. Emotionally, cavansite helps get rid of negative thoughts and beliefs, and inspires new ideas. It helps see what part of life need attention. It also helps one relax. Physically cavansite is helpful for sore throats, general healing, and diseases which it helps eliminate and keep from returning. Cavansite is related primarily to the throat and third eye chakras.

Celestite-Helps to ease tension, opens the mind and develops awareness. Cools the overactive mind, helps relaxes muscles. Elevates consciousness. Promotes peaceful co-existence and harmonious interaction with other aspects of creation.

Cerussite- Clear / misty white / brown. Helps self confidence, gives good Psychic Awareness. Use for addictions and general healing. Renowned for plant growth.

Cerussite-Malachite- Healing stone for bronchial problems.

Chalcedony-Improves bone-marrow, spleen, red corpuscles and heart tissue. Stimulates optimism and enhances one's spiritual and artistic creativity.

Chalcedony Rose -A stone of some use to females who wish to become males, or males who wish to become females, or both and if they have a problem with that.

Chalcopyrite-Helps cheer those with constant worries. Also improves prosperity consciousness.

Charoite-Dissolves fear including fear of fear itself! Will help the fear rise to the surface so that it may be faced - and dealt with.

Cheveron Amethyst–Enhances psychic vision; highly protective, prevents psychic attacks.

Chiastolite- (Stones of the cross) Similar to Andalusite but with black cross shaped flecks.

Chlorite-Crystal in harmony with all things vegetarian. Helpful healing stone for the digestion.

Chromite-Malachite- Clairaudient Enhancer. Healing stone for the lungs.

Chrysoberyl- Translucent gold or green cat's eye. Usually clear or green / brown. For wealth and confidence.

Chrysocolla-Relieves nervous tension, emotional congestion, ulcer or stomach problems. Brings balance, cleanses all negativity, brings inner peace and contentment.

Chrysolite-Strengthens the appendix. Alleviates general toxaemia and viral conditions.

Chrysoprase- Improves prostate gland, testicles, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Increases fertility.

Cinnabar- Reputed to give wearer long life. Connected will all things physical, exercise and keep fit.

Citrine-is a very protective stone. It absorbs, transmutes and grounds negative energy. Citrine is one stone that never needs to be cleansed. It's also a cleanse the chakras and the aura.

Clear Quartz- Cleanses; protects; most powerful healer.

Cobalt-Calcite- Pink is believed to inspire love, patience, gentleness, compassion and balances the emotions.

Conicalcite-Cheering stone, helpful with symbolic re-birth, helps strengthen new resolutions.

Copper-Excellent energy conductor! Sends and amplifies thoughts. Worn next to the skin it soothes arthritis and rheumatism problems. Improves circulation, balances warm sun energy and cool lunar energy. Sunshine will energize copper.

Coral-Hard substance formed of skeletons of various marine polyps. Coral is said to promote general physical and mental well-being and to be of particular assistance to those suffering from anemia, bladder conditions, colic and whooping cough. In many parts of the world it is believed that coral can be used to ward off evil thoughts sent by ill-wishers.

Cavansite- Cavansite is a stone that aids in many psychic areas. It can stimulate intuition greatly, heightens psychic awareness, stimulates the third eye, and enhances channeling abilities. It is especially helpful in psychic healing and protects the healer during psychic healing sessions. Emotionally, cavansite helps get rid of negative thoughts and beliefs, and inspires new ideas. It helps see what part of life need attention. It also helps one relax. Physically cavansite is helpful for sore throats, general healing, and diseases which it helps eliminate and keep from returning. Cavansite is related primarily to the throat and third eye chakras.

Crazy lace Agate-For balance.

Creedite-Small crystals that are usually found embedded in a white matrix form this mineral. Occasionally it is found in a violet form, which gives power to the third eye area, this is good for spirituality. It helps us to be connected to the spiritual opening.

Crocidolite-Used to help people who become over-preoccupied with their own personal limitations.

Crocoite- Pinkie red crystals or on a brown rock matrix is how this mineral is usually found. It is a very feminine stone, if worn by a single female it is said to higher her chances of finding a partner. Its color says, "I am a health, fertile female." By promoting fecundity in woman it thereby allows the woman to fully realize her feminine aspects.

Cuprite-This deep wine red colored crystal helps with vitamin and mineral absorption. It is said to open the flow of root and spleen chakras, kundalini energy will power also with heart charka, to strengthen thymus, heart, blood, oxygen, metabolism, stamina and healing. Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (for men) and confidence, security issues. Access past life.

Dalmatian Jasper- Dalmation jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. Dalmatian Jasper increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one's life. Physically it can help purify the blood. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

Danburite-This is a clear Quartz crystal. It is excellent to cleanse, purify, or debrief. It fills the crown chakra with joy and illumination and brings truth, honesty, a smile to the heart and opens to mind and spirit. Excellent healing tool. This is a Shamans tool and is best used in the hands of an experienced practitioner.

Desert Rose- this belongs to the gypsum family. Its colors are usually brown, pale yellow, grey, buff and red tones. It is a gentle grounding stone that clarifies thinking and mental vision. Quiets worry, brings out practicality and also it quiets the mind.

Diamond-Master healer. An extremely powerful stone in the removing of blockages and all emotional negativity.

Diamontina- Clouded crystals will often clear with use; this shows the user it is clearing toxins from their physical body. A clear diamontina has been used before.

Diamontina Quartz- Clear diamontina carries within it psychic serenity and celestial interaction. Cracked faces within a crystal are frequency points, as they change, so the frequency changes.

Dichroic Glass- Dichoric glass was originally created for the space and laser industries, and was developed extensively by NASA. The word dichroic means "two colors" because of the two or more colors that the glass reflects and transmits. Dichroic glass is said by some to have no metaphysical properties. However, as everything has an energy vibration of some sort, which is what gives a material its metaphysical properties. Additionally, the glass is made with metallic oxides which would bring their properties to it. Intuition says that dichroic glass can be helpful for seeing past illusions, communication with stellar beings, bringing child-like joy into your life, and meditation. It can certainly be used effectively as a focal point in meditation by staring into the layers of color of the glass.

Dinosaur Bone- Petrified or Fossilized Dinosaur Bone increases energy and memory. It has ties with the deep past, and this makes it an excellent stone for past life work. Dinosaur bone is also wonderful for calming anxiety, in particular survival anxieties. It helps, too, with communication and ability to understand communications. Physically, dinosaur bone is used for healing of paralysis, broken bones, hearing, vigor, regulation of body temperature.

Diopside- There is much in this tiny deep blue-green mineral. Its powerful green reaches deep into the heart chakra to release and heal sadness, heartache, abuse and neglect. It empowers the heart with new depth, strength, healthiness, courage, and ability to love deeply. It is said to connect the emotional heart with the spiritual heart to receive abundance. It also promotes genuineness, sincerity, emotional balance, Self-Worth, and deep well-being.

Dioptase-An emerald green silicate of copper. General healer. Relieves mental stress, promotes abundance, relaxation, love and emotional expressiveness. Heals the parts emotionally abandoned whilst experiencing heartache. Good for those that, through loss, fear to love again, helps heal the heart and helps one to be able to trust again.

Dioptase-Kinoite-This is a rare combination, It helps to cleans and keep tissues from decay. It is excellent for older people as it is said to stimulate hormones that tend to slow down through old age.

Dolomite-Used to help people who lack resourcefulness and who have an acute fear of personal failure.

Dravite- This stone is strongly associated with healing, especially in the legs. It is said that if you suffer from hip problems, to lie on ether side and place the mineral on the hip will sort the problem. It works well with Jade and Selenite, the Selenite draws healing white light through the crown chakra while the Jade can be placed on the heart chakra to ease tonal frequency.

Dumortierite- This mineral is found in dark blue, violet, reddish brown and clear colors. It is said to reduce stubborn tendencies and encourage patience.

Elestial- This is a special form of clear, Smokey Quartz. It is said to change confusion and illusions to clarity and also to help you see truth, and overview. It can help you with psychic ness and openness to a higher self and spirituality. Said to heal brain cells from drug and alcohol abuse. This is an "All-Seeing Stone" it brings infusion of light. You can use it as a bridge stone to enhance energy flow between chakras.

Emerald-Bright green precious stone. Improves intellect and memory. Helps tired eyes and insomnia. Improves eloquence. Gives power to see into the future and grants success in business. Acts as emotional stabilizer. It is said to help release emotionally based trauma and to govern the awareness of emotions by others. It opens up the heart to love, peace and healing.

Epidote- This deep green stone heals the linkage between us and the psychic plane. It helps use to receive certain knowledge often from firsthand sources. This simple grounding 'back to the Earth' vibration strengthens over all health. It tells us when we need to eat better and when we need to rest.

Erythrite- This mineral forms bright crimson crystals. Hold this crystal between the thumb and forefinger in the left hand to infuse energy into your self. This causes a healing reaction as it stimulates vital organs.

Euclase- Euclase is called the happiness stone. It increases happiness by stimulating activity ruled by the heart and intuition. The energy of euclase is like a moving river in the way it cleanses blockages from the etheric body. Euclase helps one reach for goals and attain the ultimate in any area. It awakens creativity, and the forces of creativity and manifestation. It is also a wonderful crystal for improving communication skills. Euclase stimulates the crown, throat, and heart chakras.

Eudialyte- Eudialyte is considered a personal power stone that increases and revitalizes one's personal power. Psychically, eudialyte helps with clairaudience, manifestation, and psychic resonance and abilities, and is a psychically protective stone. It is sometimes considered a "fine tuner". Eudialyte is also a stone of the heart, bringing harmony of heart matters, and dispelling jealousy. As eudialyte combines pink and red, it also brings the root and heart chakras into alignment, as well as activating the heart chakra. Emotionally it is helpful for learning to trust oneself and others, and eases compulsive behavior and thinking. Physically, eudialyte is good for healing the emotions, increasing vitality, eye problems, pancreas, thyroid, and purifying the blood.

Exotica Jasper- Exotica Jasper, also called Sci Fi Jasper or Science Fiction Jasper, feels to me like a cool milkshake on a hot day, it's so soothing. There's nothing bland about its energy, though. In addition to the general properties of all jaspers, It has a subtle and deep energy that seem to nuture one on a soul level. This is a stone I would choose to use for protection and nurturing during soul retrievals, healing of traumas or other deep emotional wounds, and the like, both for the healer or the healee.

Faden Quartz- Faden crystals (pronounced "FAH-den") is a rare formation of crystal in which there are inclusions of one or more white thread-like fibrous line formations. The Faden line is visible withint the crystal structure because it is surrounded by fluid filled or gaseous chambers or is possibly missing a molecule of oxygen. Faden crystals enhance connections of all types, including attunement between one and another. They are good for astral travel and travel on alternate dimensions. Fadens help with physical, mental and emotional stability.

Fairy Quartz- Fairy Quartz is a fledgling Spirit Quartz, showing the milky white lazer wand point and a light coating of smaller crystals growing on it. Fairy Quartz has a very soothing energy, which brings peace and calm to those in its energy field, including the groups, families, and individuals. This soothing energy is extremely beneficial for emotional pain or illness. It also brings heightened energy even as it calms. Fairy Quartz is great for meditation. Physically, Fairy Quartz is used for detoxifying the body and tissues, removing pain, and overall healing.

Fire Agate- Really earth and fire. Works on the whole system to produce healing and regrowth.

Flint- This stone is said to prevent nightmares. It is used as an overall tonic for strength and healing. It comes in a range of different colors from red, gray, blue to black with white bands. The stone has great healing capacity as it stimulates tissue regeneration throughout the organs. Not only is it a good healer it has been used as a weapon or tool for generations.

Flourite- (colors vary) highly protective especially on a psychic level. aids in grounding.

Fossils- Fossils can help increase accomplishments in the area of business and add excellence to one's environment. They also aid one in being open to change and new ideas. Traditionally, fossils have been used to aid in curing diseases and ailments of the skeletal system, bones, hands, and feet.

Fulgurites- Fulgurites are natural glass, usually tubular, formed by lightning strikes in sand or rock. Fulgurites are high energy formations do to the nature of their birth. They are particularly noted for their ability to channel and direct energy. Fulgurites have been used to communicate with aliens and entities, or ascended beings in the spirit world. They are often used for clairaudience. Fulgurites are also used to enhance communication in the physical world, and are used as stones of leadership. Fulgurites are used by Native Americans to bring rain (cloud-busting), and as charms for protection from lightning. Weather-changing of any sort is not recommended, however, unless, as with the Native Americans, one have an exceptionally good sense of the balance of Nature. Physically, fulgurites are used in crystal healing and folklore in treatment of the immune system, ear, nose, and throat ailments, sight, thymus, tumors, growths, and colon.

Gaia Stone- Gaia Stone is green obsidian from volcanish ash of the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's, and carries strong Earth energy, even the "soul of the Earth." Gaia Stone enhances Goddess connection, connection with Earth and Earth devas. It also brings prosperity. Gaia Stone is especially good for self-healing emotional wounds and past traumas. Gaia Stone is primarily associated with the heart chakra, but can also be used to harmonize all the chakras.

Galaxite- Galaxite, or Galaxyite, is a micro-labradorite with intense energy. It is sometimes known as the "aura stone" because one of its most noticable energetic characteristics is that of protecting, cleansing, and balancing the aura. It can protect the aura also by stopping energy leakages. Galaxite is also a stone of transformation, especially assisting in spiritual, mystical, and intuitive growth and transformation. It enhances both the conscious intellect and the subsconscious mind, and eases stress and anxiety. Galaxite is helpful for astral travel and astral projection. It can also assist in contacting beings from other dimensions and planes. Physically, galaxite is helpful for stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders, brain disorders, digestion, metabolic illnesses. Galaxite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.

Galena-Strengthens lungs, thyroid, and the nervous system. Protects against depression and skin diseases. Promotes self-confidence, pride and success. Improves imagination.

Garnet-Employed for prosperity, physical strength, love, passion, imagination, flow of ideas, friendship and creativity. Benefits the circulatory system. Helpful for accessing past life and future life experience, good luck in business, cultivating compassion, calming anger and sharpening perceptions.

Gaspeite- Gaspeite is a recently discovered stone in the western hemisphere, found in 1966 and was initially a discarded byproduct of nickel sulfide mining. Emotionally, it reduces distress and brings assurance. It also reduces ignorance, particularly emotional ignorance. It also helps attracts friends and friendship. Aboriginals use gaspeite to bring visions and grant success. Metaphysically, gaspeite is best known for helping to bring spirituality into every day life. It brings good fortune and helps prevent loss. Physically gaspeite has been used for heart problems, lungs, andgallbladder. Gaspeite is primarily related to the heart chakra.

Gehlenite-This stone heightens the awareness of nature and the natural rhythms of Earth. It aids concentration and soothes the nerves as it has very good nurturing and calming qualities.

Gem Silica -Apple green variety of chalcedony. It reveals will-power and is useful for dealing with depression and loss of incentive. Feminine stone, ideal for menstrual pain and pre-menstrual tension. Helps after miscarriages, abortions, hysterectomies. Helps with birthing if held, worn or meditated upon during labor. Cools fevers, heals burns, calms nerves, helps thyroid imbalance, voice problems, neck/shoulder strain. Develops patience, kindness, tolerance, compassion, humility. Gives peace and serenity; emotional balance, eases sorrow and anger. Good for men who don't allow themselves to express their feelings or emotions. Excellent stone for meditation and can assist the development of clairvoyance.
Gives the wearer devotion, faith, imagination and peace of mind.

Geode-This is a mineral product of volcanic bubbles. It has an exterior of solid agate with a center of rock crystal, amethyst and sometimes opal.

Girasol- Girasol, also known as "Blue Opal Quartz" and "Moon Opal" though it is not an opal at all, is a stone of gentle but powerful energy. It can enhance and mirror feelings. This makes it excellent for visualization, imagination, dreamwork, and guided direction of energy. Girasol enhances communication skills including freely speaking thoughts you've been holding back. Girasol encourages and enhances creativity in the artistic and practical areas. It is also a powerful healing stone that works in a strong but gentle way to enhance healing on all levels. Girasol is particularly helpful for metabolic disorders like diabetes and others, and fatigue and chronic fatigue.

Glass (Manmade)- Glass is an ancient material, one of the most ancient known and used by man. The first glass used was natural obsidian, volcanic glass, used to make arrowheads, knives, jewelry, etc. Glass objects created of manmade glass are reported to have been found as early from as 4,500 BC in Mesopotamia and 3,000 BC in ancient Egypt. Many consider glass to have no metaphysical properties, but others who are aware, realize that glass has energy like all else in the Universe, and thus has its own set of properties. Glass is a melding of the traditional four elements, because through fire and air the silica earth element is made molten and transmuted into a liquid only to return to its earthly state as a solid. It can be made to focus light or allow light to pass through invisibly or carry lightwaves great distances through tiny strands. Metaphysically, glass represents and carries the energies of transformation, merging of elements, rebirth, focus and communication. The colors of the glass bring the vibrations of those specific color energies.

Glauberite- This mineral is used in the garden as an anti fungal agent. When combined in conjunction with rose quartz, plants are able to fully utilize available nutrients in the soil, and in return you get better and fuller bloom's and fruits.

Glendonite- Glendonite is a teaching stone of learning, discovery, and understanding . It supports the learning process by helping process information and thoughts in easy to understand terms. Because of this, it may help discover one's life purpose. Physically glendenite helps heal broken bones, abrasions, regenerates cells, and makes teeth and bones stronger. It is also known as a stone that helps make a loving home and good family life.

Goethite-This is water mineral and brings the user a glimpse of the power and mystery of the ocean. As we all know water is essential to our health and well-being, with out respect for this element healing is misunderstood.

Gold- This very precious metal is a stabilizer, balancer and grounder. It prevents personal and spiritual corrosion. Gold is an all purpose healer. Gold also attracts prosperity, stores and increases thoughts, emotions and energy. - White gold: Combines sun and moon's energy, thus higher conductor and amplifier

Gold Calcite-Carries the golden healing ray. Gives comfort, helps cheer depression. Good for most of what ails you!
Good for liver trouble. Improves the intellect, develops psychic abilities, calms both mind and body.

Goldstone-Medium brown with tiny coppery glitter. Goldstone is a man-made stone, just a type of glass with glittery metallic material in it. It is a valid classification, as it has many properties of NATURAL glasses, such as obsidian, which are modified by its being man-made and having been doped with additives. Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to reduce stomach tension and protect the centre of the body.

Gold Reef Quartz- Gold Reef Quartz is a combination of clear quartz and chlorite. The quartz brings high energy and chlorite is a very power healing mineral. Gold Reef Quartz is good for crystal healing layouts, warding off psychic attack, warding or guarding an environment. They are excellent healing stones, and are helpful for healing on all levels. Gold Reef Quartz can also help diminish and remove anger, frustration, and hostility.

Golden Healer Quartz Crystal- Golden Healer crystals are excellent for crystal healing, and are said to be helpful when used in any healing situation. Golden Healers also help keep contact with the spiritual worlds. It is said by some that Golden Healers access Christ consciousness as well as activating the solar plexus chakra to join our will with Divine will. Golden Healers also align all the chakras and balance yin/yang energies.

Green Aventurine - Diffuses negativity; protects

Green Moss Agate - Good for blood sugar balance and Anorexia. Also can bring back a sense of self esteem.

Green Calcite-Helps kidneys, spleen and the pancreas. Removes toxins from the body and alleviates mental fear. Aids mental clarity, soothes anxiety, calms turbulent energies. Expands awareness, aids intuition, links parallel realities. Good when undertaking mental change.

Green Millennium- Green Millennium is a stone of balance and harmony in changing times. It can help bring a state of emotionally detached focus, and creates a feeling of safety, allowing healing and balance of one's deepest fears which are exacerbated by changing times. It strengthens the immune system, repairs holes in the aura, helps with addictions, nightmares, anxiety, loss of focus, digestion of emotionally troubling experiences. Carrying a piece of the rough stone or a polished piece in the pocket will be helpful to start the process of bringing cohesive energy flow to ones life.

Green Tourmaline - Strengthens nervous system, regulates blood pressure. Deflects negative energy, attracts prosperity.

Grossuralite-Used in the treatment of people who fear emotional hostility from everyone surrounding them. Helps after nervous breakdowns, relaxes over tense muscles, also good in childbirth. Neutralizes red energies. Grounds and stabilizes energies, helps lift depression. Draws out and absorbs negative energies, replacing them with positive ones. Helps one face reality and new situations. Assists integration of physical, mental and emotional fields.
Helps with clarity and concentration.

Gypsum- This is a category of sulfate minerals. They are usually clear and tabular with distinctive layers. It relieves tension and is a good balancer of the body’s electrical charges.

Gyrolite- Gyrolite is a mineral that has particularly positive effects on the metaphysical properties of other minerals by activating them and cleansing them. It is used to connect the physical body with the auric bodies. Gyrolite is good for meditation and is said to bring the wisdom of ancient civilizations, insight, willpower, and stability. It is also said to assist with self-confidence, as well as overcome excessive introversion and addictive behaviors. Mystical and Healing Lore purports that gyrolite helps align the spine, assimilation of calcium, cellular maintenance, bone structure, acupuncture, and emotional healing.

Hanksite- These cloudy, opaque, yellow crystals have a similar shape to the Herkimer diamond, resembling lemon drop sweets. It golden tones stimulate our spiritual nature. It is good for healing as its double termination assists energy flow to all affected areas.

Hawk's Eye / Falcon's Eye- Natural Green, grey or blue Tiger's eye-like quartz. It helps us to gain perspective to see and face situations fully. We then can see the overview clearly and as from a Hawk's eyes. Blue: Deepens meditation and helps us see the truth in ourselves and in others.

Hematite-Natural ferric oxide. Improves all blood disorders, helps coagulation. Reduces stressful effects of air travel, combats insomnia. Enhances astral projection, promotes balance, focus, convergence and concentration of energy. The hematite is a stone which it is said will help to increase courage and it is also claimed that it will strengthen the heart and is good for reducing a rapid pulse.

Hematoid Quartz- Hematoid Quartz is quartz with hematite.As a natural combination, the Hematoid Quartz, combines the high energy of Quartz with the stabilizing energy of Hematite. It also adds its own synergy to the mix. The synergystic mix also has energy of accelerating healing and pain relief, maintaining emotional balance during times of stress, and clear thinking. I first encountered Hematoid Quartz when I'd hurt my wrist, I came across hematoid quartz in a little shop here in town. I thought they looked neat, and I love both quartz and hematite, so I started playing with them. My mind almost popped when I placed one on my hurt wrist and the pain just stopped and never came back. While that may be just an odd coincidence, I was amazed and thrilled, to say the least. Hematoid Quartz closes the energetic loop between the Root and Crown Chakras. See Quartz and Hematite for additional metaphysical and healing properties.

Hemimorphite- Hemimorphite is a stone that helps one attain a positive self-image including self-esteem and self-respect. It assists in personal growth on all levels, and helps one evolve and transform in healthy ways. Hemimorphite is a stone that bring joy and creativity to one's life. For crystal healing, hemimorphite is an excellent stone that can bring strong but gentle healing energy as well as assisting the healer in accessing ancient healing techniques. Hemimorphite is sometimes used for protection from malice and poisoning. Additionally, hemimorphite brings good fortune and good luck. Physically, hemimorphite is great for regaining or maintaining healing and is particularly healing for pain relief, ulcers, blood diseases, cellular disease or disorder. Hemimorphite is associated with the heart chakra.

Herderite-This stone stimulates the pancreas and spleen. Helps to restore the balance in erratic emotional behavior.

Herkimer Diamond-Releases stress and tension throughout the body, boosts the power of other crystals by being used to close the circuit, particularly effective with Boji stones.

Heulandite- Heulandite is in the mineral family of zeolites whose crystals have been grown aboard the space shuttle. It is one of the stones that is said to bring one ancient mystical information from Atlantis Lemuria including techniques and traditions. Heulandite is a stone that promotes receptiveness and having an open mind even in situations that it is normally difficult. As a psychic tool, heulandite is used for past-life recall in addition to accessing Atlantean / Lemurian information. This stone is an excellent emotional healer for dealing with loss of all kinds, especially grief. Physically, heulandite can assist with weight loss (obesity), balance and inner ear problems, foot issues, and respiration. Heulandite is considered to be associated primarily with the crown chakra.

Hiddenite- A Spodumene, like Kunzite. Green, it is best known for drawing prosperity. It is a calming stone that helps to eases love or money loss.

Holey Stone- Holey Stones, also called Holed Stones or Odin Stones, are stones that have one or more nature-made holes in them. These hard to find stones are considered powerful protection stones that can be worn for personal protection, hung at doorways or windows to protect a home or business, or even hung near a pet's sleeping place to protect the pet. To prevent nightmares, these stones are placed in the sleeping place of the one who wishes to be free of nightmares. Holey Stones are also said to be bringers of high psychic powers. This is noted in folklore to be most powerful when one looks through a hole in the stone to see visions and non-corporeal entities and beings. They are excellent for meditation and creative visualization. For health, crystal healing lore and folklore state that Holey Stones are helpful for healing disease and maintaining general health, particularly when the stone is rubbed on the body of someone sick. They are also said to improve eyesight. Holey Stones are related to the water element.

Holly Blue- This is a wonderful alter stone. If you place it on your table it shows that you are thankful for the sustenance received. It is known for purifying air and water so it needs regular cleansing in rose water once a week for several hours.

Hornblend- This stone help when your argumentative side takes over with friends or loved ones. It helps individuals to accept compromise so that all parties can attain resolution. It is a grounding stone and works well with other minerals and humans

Honey Calcite- Honey calcite is a stone that gently amplifies energy. It also assists in the challenges associated with change. Honey calcite enhances psychic abilities, astral projection and higher consciousness. It also enhances intellect and memory. Honey calcite is associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

Honey Jade- Powerful emotional balance, radiates divine unconditional love. Dispels negativity from the third chakra (solar plexus). It has been used by the ancients {and some current} primitive tribes as a sacred stone, assisting one in access to the spiritual worlds.

Howlite- Stimulates endocrine system. Improves blood circulation. Helps in Meditation. Improves autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, physical coordination problems, visual problems, spiritual problems. Improves decisiveness, strength of will.
Improves fever, pain and spasms. Increases language skills, raises self-esteem. Helps maintain loving state in every-day life by bolstering one's resolve not to give in without one having to be aggressive or non-loving. Increases tissue regeneration. Rebalances different levels of consciousness. It is claimed that Amber is used to best effect by those who suffer from throat infections, those who have bronchial disorders or those who are prone to asthma or convulsions, also rheumatism, intestinal disorders, earache, bladder trouble, nerves or bone-marrow deficiencies. Calming, can absorb negative energy and helps the body to heal itself. Used for making and breaking spells. Helps with depression and suicidal tendencies.

Hubnerite- This is an expander of creativity and insight which can greatly assist in clarifying your direction in life.

Iris Agate - Use to heal burns.

Iolite- Enchances leadership ability, power, inner strength, self confidence and executive ability. Used for meditation and astral travel. Brings about visions. Balances male and female aspects. Helps release discord. Facilitates the acceptance of responsibility and helps in the management of money. Useful to support intuition, together with stabilising and aligning the aura. Iolite brings harmony to situations, and may strengthen relationships. Helps protect and improve conditions of the liver. Helps the body to eliminate toxins, and in the treatment of fevers.

Indicolite- Indicolite is blue tourmaline, which is probably the rarest form of tourmaline. Indicolite corresponds to all chakras in terms of clearing, but particularly to the throat and third eye chakras. It is said to aid in the quest for spiritual growth. It increases psychic awareness, and increases healing powers. Indicolite can also bring happiness and laughter to your life. It also promotes inspiration of all kinds, and lessens fear. Indicolite is a protective stone that can dispel curses and protect from all dangers. In the physical realm, indicolite is said to benefit the lungs, larynx, thyroid, heart, internal organs, and parasympathetic nerves.

Infinite- Infinite is often called "the healer's stone." It is particularly useful for healers, athletes, chronic pain sufferers, and others who have an ongoing need for healing energies. Infinite is a soothing and calming stone. It can be used to draw pain out from affected areas. It does, however, need to be cleansed regularly. Although both shades are equally valuable, some people prefer the lighter shades, and others the darker shades to work with. It is excellent for the treatment of joints, muscles, connective tissue, and is excellent at pain relief. It has been called a miracle-working stone.

Ivory-Protects one's physical body from injury.

Jacinth-Promotes spiritual sight and understanding. Used in childbirth. Helps in the treatment of insomnia.

Jade-Considered the concentrated essence of love, beneficial for protection, divine love, connection with Earth, removal of toxins, purity, calming nerves, ridding yourself of negativity, developing the capacity for receiving and giving love, meditation, and spiritual awareness. Helpful for kidney and bladder disorders, and assists in childbirth.

Jasper-Member of Chalcedony family excellent for gem essences, endurance, cleansing, fortitude, prayer, protection, quiet thinking, and neutralizing stress.

Jet Black-A very hard lustrous form of natural carbon. Prevents deep depression, quiets fears. Protects from violence and illness. Aids grieving. It is also used in healing to control and ease migraine and pain behind the eyes.

Kambaba Jasper- Kambaba Jasper is an exotic looking jasper from Africa. It is said to mystically soothe the nerves and state of mind. As with other jaspers, traditional lore says that it is good for grounding and protection. It is purported to be beneficial for plant growth and health, particularly in arid environmentsor where the soil is poor. Crystal healing lore says that Kambaba Jasper helps dietary stabilization, assimilation of vitamins and minerals, and cleansing the body of toxins.

Kunzite-Alleviates anemia, improves general tissue rejuvenation. Creates balance between heart and mind, clears emotional blockages. In meditation can balance negative emotional and troubled mental states.

Kyanite-Used in meridian points to stimulate flow of energy, or on chakra centers to clear blockages. Recalls past lives when placed on third eye. Augments channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, clear visualization, loyalty, honor and serenity. Kyanite blades can make incisions in the aura field. Also cut through layers of mental misconceptions and create new lines of energy for new thought.

Labradorite-A kind of feldspar employed in magic, ritual, ceremony. Elevates consciousness, enhances psychic ability, and assists in regeneration, sexuality, and protection. Helpful in psychonavigation and shapeshifitng, and divine communication.

Lapis Lazuli-A brilliant blue mineral. The lapis lazuli was called by the ancient Egyptians 'The Stone of Heaven' and it is thought by many to be the stone upon which were carved the laws given to Moses. It is said that it has the power to prevent fits and epilepsy and to improve the eyesight. Helps heart and spleen, protects against strokes, helps depression. Helps acquire wisdom and truth. It is also a symbol of power and a mental and spiritual cleanser. Assists one's psychic development and mental stability. Gives hope and self awareness and helps one to face one's shadow-self. It is the stone of friendship. Helps cut through superficialities to find inner truth. Aura cleanser.

Larimar- Soothes sore throats and tonsillitis. Helps express new ideas. Brings harmony between heart and mind. Good for schizophrenics. Transmutes anger, greed, frustration to peace; calms excess energies by rebalancing.

Larvikite (Norwegian Moonstone)- Larvikite is said to be an excellent stone for various psychic and esoteric uses. It is said to stimulate and enhance inner vision, psychic abilities, past life recall, remote viewing of the past, inter-dimensional travel andm ore. Larvikite is also said to be excellent for Elemental Magick and to connect with nature spirits. It is said to help one read between the lines to understand what others mean on both a conscious and unconscious level. On a physical level, crystal healing lore says that Larvikite is good for renewing and maintaining vitality and youthfulness, as well as brain maintenance and healing. Larvikite is generally associated with the third eye and throat chakras.

Lazurite-Stimulates visions. Can amplify thought- form. Also used for tissue rejuvenation.

Lemurian Seed Crystals Lemurian Seed Crystals are crystals that are reputed to have been left by the Lemurians, an advanced ancient civilization, to teach and guide us in this time. These crystals are said to have been programmed with conscious connection and love. Lemurians hold and transmit messages of unconditional love, equality, and spiritual teachings. They are also great for dream work and dream interpretation. Lemurians have a very Yin or feminine energy, and for all their power are more gentle-feeling energetically than Yang/masculine crystals. They are very powerful tools for meditation and for healing on all levels. They are excellent for clearing and balancing all chakras.

Leopard skin Jasper - "Known as the 'supreme nurturer'. Protects its possessor. Good for the heart and brain. Grounds and harmonizes energy. Increases mental clarity. Dissolves frustration. Inspires serenity. Brings love. Vitality. Facilitates healing.

Lepidochrosite- Lepidochrosite (lepidocrosite) is a stone that is said to bring one to choose highest love and integrity. It also eliminates distraction and confusion, helping one think clearly. Because of all this, it lessens negative thinking and negative mental habits. Physically, lepidochrosite is used for circulation. When found in combination with quartz, the quartz amplifies the properties of the lepidochrosite.

Lepidolite with Rubellite-Good for introverted shy people who are unable to express love in external ways.

Lepidolite-Unifies mind and heart, heals whatever inhibits this mergence. Used in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Lithio-Laser Crystals- Lithio-Laser Crystals are extremely powerful crystals. They can break down internal barriers to inner growth that may bring pre-verbal issues to the surface to be integrated and healed. They integrate on levels of mind, body, emotions and spirit. This can heal dis-ease of any of these aspects of one's being, making these crystals powerful healers. If one is not ready for the intensity of these crystals and removal of these inner barriers, the person may feel extreme distress or emotional overload. Lithio-Laser Crystals can help access New Direct DNA Altering as Sacred Bridge Crystals, and can assist lightworkers with the changes that Earth is going through.

Lithium- Useful for meditation. Balancing and calming stone full of power.

Lithium Quartz- Lithium Quartz is a super high energy healing and balancing stone. It is said to be self-clearing and self-cleansing, and from my experience with it, I'd say that's correct. Lithium quartz sends and receives energy as well as storing it. Lithium quartz is balancing and calming, and is used in crystal healing as a natural anti-depressant. Emotionally and other ways, lithium quartz is said to relieve stress, anxiety, and tension, bringing relaxation and peace. It works in a gentle and slow but steady and powerful manner, not causing the discomfort of sudden change that some crystals might at times. Lithium quartz is excellent for meditation and prayer. It is used to heal repressed grief and anger, as well as emotional issues from past lives. It is also said to purify water. Physically, lithium quartz is used in crystal healing for stress related disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, muscular tension, repetitive motion injuries. Lithium quartz is related to activating and balancing all chakras and is handy to work with any individual charka also.

Lodestone- (Magnetite, Iron.) Metallic black and natural magnet. Related to (and works like) hematite for grounding, clear thinking and focus (detail work, decisions, etc). Electro magnetically pulls toxic blocks and pain from energy meridians, pancreas, and lower glands.

Lodolite- Lodolite (Lodalite, Lodelite) is a type of included quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types, often having the look of gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes. Thus, lodolite is often called garden quartz, landscape quartz, or scenic quartz. It's often used in meditation practices. Another metaphysical use of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation of one's desires. Lodolite is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten one's spiritual energies. It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. Mystically and in crystal healing, lodolite is purported to be an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Lodolite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.

Luvulite -Restores balance to pineal, pituitary and left and right brain hemispheres.

Manganocalcite/Pink Manganocalcite-is sometimes called the "Reiki Stone". It has a gentle but powerful energy, and is an excellent complement to energy healing modalities such as Reiki and Seichim because of its excellent properties of energy magnification. It is a calming stone, that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal love and self-love. It offers hope for the best. It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love. It is also excellent for channeling and astral travel, and for studying and retaining information learned. Physically, pink manganocalcite is beneficial for general health and healing, bones, joints, and physical heart -

Magnetite-Stimulates endocrine system. Improves blood circulation. Helps in meditation.

Malachite- For magic, willpower, communication with nature, visions, rapport with animal kingdom, shapeshifting, moving energy, sound sleep, divine communication, and balance. Used for tissue regeneration and healing. Stimulates the optic nerve, balances dyslexia, and neutralizes radioactivity.

Marble- Cool calcite base. Promotes universal love.

Marcasite- Gentle physical strengthener. Makes one feel more able to cope with any problems and difficulties.

Mariposite- Helps us adapt to new situations easily.

Meteorite- Usually solid, dull, mottled and brownish to black. Non-iron varieties amplify thoughts / telepathic sending / receiving, greater awareness, and some connection to extraterrestrial life. Odd / unusual energy, best used by those drawn to them.

Mimetite-Helps communication, grounds and insulates.

Moldavite- Small glassy (translucent) green stone believed to be associated with meteorites. Eases epilepsy, brain imbalances and malfunctions and autism, particularly if brought on by excessive sensitivi

Molybdenum is a mineral that brings balance and continuity to life. It can help engender reliability and constance in one's environment and self, giving equilibrium in all areas of life. Molybdenum is also a super stress reliever. It can also be useful in retaining possessions and making progress. Molybdenum enhances communication between conscious and inner selves, as well as filling in holes or voids in the aura. It balances the chakras, as well as the physical body and the mind. Molybdenum is helpful for all types of healing because it energetically balances the body toward health.

Mookite- Also known as 'Australian Red Jasper'. A very grounding crystal. Helps with self-esteem. Can help with dreams and meditation and moving forward in life. Helps with fear and depression. Has been used for the thyroid gland. Helps one to be more social, encouraging new perception and communication skills.

Mook Jasper-is a stone of the "here and now." It can help one balance the internal and external and acceptance of change. It helps with living meditation, where one makes a meditation of any act one does. Mookaite is a very protective stone, and is particulary good as an emotional protector. In the physical realm it stabilizes health and fortifies the immune system. Mookaite is associated with the lower chakras.

Moonstone- Connection to female energy, receptivity, tidal flow, cycles, multidimensional awareness. Beneficial for balancing emotions, the reproductive organs, and healing. Enhances sensitivity, intuition, clairvoyance, open-mindedness. Employed in farming, divination, artistic pursuits, and dancing. Brings good fortune, fruitfulness and true love. Obsidian- Volcanic stone for protection and working with the shadow self. Sharpens inner and outer vision. Used for divination, ritual tools, past life regression, good luck, letting go of old patterns and memories, and in ceremony and ritual.

Morganite-This stone strengthens the larynx, lungs, thyroid and nervous system.

Morion Crystal-A smoky quartz crystal. so dark as to be black instead of the more usual brown. Very good for grounding.

Moss-Agate-Moss agate is said to cleanse the emotional body and release anger and frustration. Natural environmental record keeper. Helps to clarify one's innermost thoughts and to expand one's mental powers. One of the most powerful healing stones! Used in past-life recall and in regression therapy. Can be used in any healing treatment but should only be used by a qualified crystal healing therapist who is able to handle and direct the powerful energies properly.

Mother of Pearl - It signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhances personal integrity, and helps to provide focus to ones attention. The pearl has been known as a "stone of sincerity", bring truth to situations and loyalty to a "cause". It has been used to inhibit boisterous behavior, and to provide a reflection of the self such that one may see the manner in which one appears to others.

Mugglestone- is a combination of hematite, red jasper, and sometimes yellow jasper or golden tiger eye. It is a grounding stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger. It is also a stone of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues. Tiger Iron also helps with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities. It is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance. It is an excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives. In folklore and crystal healing lore, Tiger Iron is said to balance white and red blood cells, increase natural steroids, and improve muscular structure, and help with healing legs, sexual organs, liver, and the nervous system. Tiger Iron is related to the sacral and root chakras.

Muscovite- This stone is very useful for a person whose wish it is to contact their spirit guide.

Neptunite- Belongs to those of us who serve the community. It aids development of communal works that are stuck in a rut.

Obsidian- Volcanic glass which cannot be used for evil. - Smoky Obsidian. Helps with hearing defects. - Black Obsidian. This is the Wizards stone and much prized. - Golden Obsidian. For protection and invigorating. - Green Obsidian. Use with other stones to heal and charge them if they have been misused. - Rainbow Obsidian. Contains the essence of the joy of life in all the colors. - Mahogany Obsidian. Reduces tension especially if stroked. - Snowflake Obsidian. Use for astral travel and clairaudience, absorbs negative energy and therefore is used to cleanse before crystal healing.

Ocean Jasper- Ocean Jasper is very soothing and helps to love one's self as well as others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. The circulars patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. Being a type of jasper, ocean jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs ("eyes") enhance this in regard to protection from the "evil eye." Physically, ocean jasper is beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins, lessen body odor. Ocean Jasper is related to the heart chakra.

Okenite- Delicate and beautiful in itself.

Onyx-Connection to female energy, receptivity, tidal flow, cycles, multidimensional awareness.

Opal-Helps lung conditions, increases assimilation of protein. Assists the control of one's temper and calms the nerves.

Optical Calcite -Improves eyesight. Brings spiritual understanding into challenging circumstances and situations. Helps when doing regression.

Orange Calcite-Helps gall bladder, improves physical energy, also expands awareness etc as above.

Orange Millennium- Orange Millennium: This wonderful orange gemstone is the 2nd new find for the 21st century. It has come up from the depths of the Earth and lain on the high desert floor, waiting for mankind's need for a balancing agent to help shift your physical body into a more comfortable place to be. As the emotional winds of change buffet us through the Earth changes that are upon us, these little Orange balls weld the power to calm the survival fears that effect the lower 4 Chakras The fears that tend to keep us off balance and feeling alone, vulnerable to attack, loss, powerlessness. The root causes of the victim consciousness that seems to permeate the World today, and that creates a self fulfilling prophecy of doom; Letting one face there greatest fears, but then not walking through them. Carrying Orange Millennium™ on your person can greatly help both seeing and feeling that these fears are just that fears, enabling you to feel a sense of calm in the storm. Helping the body to not react to the reptilian brains fight or flight syndrome, by lessening the bodies need to produce chemical stimulants that create "SUPER STRESS" that rob your energy and create a lethargic feeling along with sleeplessness, bizarre dreams, odd and disturbing visions of a future that holds NO future. Constipation of both the digestive tract and the emotions are greatly helped with Orange Millennium™, relief is brought by the knowingness that you are a child of the Earth and are connected to Her core; you are here to witness the Earth changes and be changed by them, that you are safe going through these changes if you let it be safe. With the help of Orange Millennium™ you are able to let the body unwind, the bodies mind drop its shield and feel a deep sense of belonging to this Earth helping Her in Her time of need. For She has a need for those that would project good well and well being. One drop of light in a dark room will change the way all in the room perceive it, creating the beginnings of soothing life giving energy. Orange Millennium™, like it's forerunner Green Millennium™, works with creation of Transforming Non Cohesive Energy flow into Cohesive Energy Flow within the Body ; but does so by accessing the bodies mind to release the hidden fears stored there in both the Solar plexus and the Root Chakras It will help ones sexuality and fulfillment in many Root chakras areas, lessening the feeling of neediness and lack.

Orthoclase- Useful in meditation

Papagoite- Papagoite is said to bring optimism. Historically it has been used to bring peace and purity. It helps one speak with clarity. It is also used for thought projection. In meditation, it can help bring one to a euphoric state of oneness. It is associated primarily with the third eye chakra, but also aligns all the chakras.

Paua Shell-(Halotis iris)-Balances the emotions and assists in lumbar (lower back) problems .

Peach Aventurine- Peach aventurine gently increases the energy of the sacral chakra. It helps with decision making and can boost creativity. Physically it is beneficial for the lungs, heart, adrenal glands and urogenital system.

Peacock Ore- Chalcopyrite. Bornite: Called "The stone of happiness" because it can do so much. Excellent healing stone that also protects us from all negative energy. Helps us to let go of the old and gives great insight into the new.

Pearl-Promotes antibodies and fights infection.

Pecos Diamond- Peach pink it looks a bit like Rose Quartz but has some different properties. Used to stabilize the emotions, it also promotes Love and a better understanding of your own true path in life. Comes from the Pecos River Valley in Texas.

Peridot- For balancing energy, emotional tranquility, healing, insight, clairvoyance, personal empowerment, vision, clarity of purpose, and enlightenment. Enhances digestion, stimulates tissue regeneration, and boosts confidence. Clears heart, pathway, strengthening breath of life, prosperity, growth, openness. Used by Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas to gently cleanse and heal the physical heart. (lungs, lymph, breast) Yellower gems also for Solar Plexus (stomach, liver, adrenal.) Helps understand relationships, other realities Alleviates depression, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety.

Petalite- Petalite is sometimes called the "Stone of the Angels". It is excellent for spiritual healing. It also encourages and promotes connections to angels, spirit guides and totems. It is said to lift one to higher awareness and allow access to higher dimensions. It has been used to protect Shamans during ceremonies such as medicine wheels. It is extremely useful for astral travel and meditation because it will ground and protect you during these activities. It will also dissipate and remove negative energy and black magic spells. Petalite is also a stone of peace that can bring gentle calm in most any situation. It is also great at enhancing and increasing intuition and psychic abilities, and increases one's ability to feel subtle energies. Petalite balances yin/yang energies and aligns and balances mind/body/spirit. It is related to and works best on the throat and crown chakras.

Petoskey Stone- Petoskey Stone is a type of fossilized colony coral found only in Michigan, USA, the coral living during the Devonian period about 350 million years ago when Michigan had a warm inland sea. Because of the "eye" type configurations it shows especially when polished, it is said to mystically help stimulate the third eye and psychic awareness. Petoskey Stone is also said to keep naughty spirits from channeling incorrect information or interfering with one's life. In particular, as far as awareness, Petoskey Stoneis said to enhance awareness of the emotions, which can be a boon for dealing with emotional issues. It is also said to clear out negative energies from the aura and the environment. Traditional healing folklore and crystal healing lore purport that Petoskey Stone is helpful for healing AIDS, Cancer, CFS, eyes, head, infections, infectious disease, lungs, skeletal system, and tumors of all kinds. Petoskey Stone is related primarily to the third eye chakra as well as the crown chakra.

Petrified Dinosaur Bone- Petrified or Fossilized Dinosaur Bone increases energy and memory. It has ties with the deep past, and this makes it an excellent stone for past life work. Dinosaur bone is also wonderful for calming anxiety, in particular survival anxieties. It helps, too, with communication and ability to understand communications. Physically, dinosaur bone is used for healing of paralysis, broken bones, hearing, vigor, regulation of body temperature.

Petrified Wood-Restores physical energy. Helps hip and back problems. Aids past-life recall.

Phantom Quartz- Phantom crystals are wonderful awareness tools. They can give a sense of magic that most of us have lost along the course of our lives. Phantom crystals can help us increase awareness of evolution, in ourselves and in the world around us, showing how growth, rest, and rebirth cycle through all existence. Psychically, phantoms are considered excellent for past life work and meditation, and is valuable for the mystic or spiritual seeker. Physically, crystal healing and folk lore say that phantom crystals are excellent for initiating healing, bringing great energy to the healing process, and are especially helpful for hearing disorders and emotional healing.

Phenacite-(Phenakite)-Milky white to clear crystal. A powerfully loving, healing and spiritual stone newly more available. Clearer stones intensely opens 3rd eye, crown and transpersonal chakra as a white light channel. Clairvoyance / spiritual communication, meditation and astral travel. Energizes meridians and healing of other stones.

Picasso Marble (aka Picasso Jasper)- Picasso Marble (or Picasso Stone) is sometimes called Picasso Jasper. It has strong metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming. It also promotes weight loss and assists in the development of creativity, as well as engendering strength and self-discipline.

Picture Agate - Used in meditation.

Picture Jasper - It can be used to further both the development and continuance of business pursuits - to provide for coordination of activities leading to increase. It has been known as "the stone of Global Awareness" - It promotes "brotherhood" to work together to save the planet. It emits an energy which promotes the spiritual affinity to achieve perfect accord between humanity and nature; It is one of the "earth Stones" for the age of redemption & cleansing of the earth. It can be used to stimulate the proper functioning of the immune system, and can be helpful in the treatment of disorder associated with skin and kidneys.

Pietersite (aka Tempeststone)- Pietersite, sometimes known as Tempeststone, helps one see beyond the immediate to beauty in the All. It enhances courage, tenacity, and ability to maintain or create what is yours. Spiritually and psychically, pietersite helps in working with angels, experiencing visions, and precognition, relating to feminine or goddess energy, as well as astral and dimensional travel. Emotionally, pietersite helps to relax, and release deep emotions in a calmer way. Physically, pietersite balances body fluids, improves nutrition, helps with gastrointestinal functions, and helps the endocrine glands, balances female homones, alleviates PMS and menopause symptoms. Pietersite is also excellent for improving memory.

Pink Peruvian Opal (Pink Andean Opal)- Pink Peruvian Opal is a stone of love and gentleness. It brings energies of gentle love and kindness to both romantic relationships and relationships of other kinds. As with other opals, it also brings inspiration, imagination and creativity. It can help release inhibitions and brings happy dreams. It also eases the process of change. Physically, pink Peruvian opal is helpful for eyesight, heart disease and injury, Parkinson's disease, lungs, and spleen. Pink Peruvian opal is associated primarily with the heart chakra.

Pink Tourmaline-Heart balancer. Promotes understanding of self and emotions.

Platinum- This metal is the closest match to Electrum the metal of the Ancient Rods. Charges Yin energy.

Plume Agate - Works on the lower body to accelerate healing.

Poppy Jasper (aka Brecciated Jasper)- Poppy Jasper is the reddish variation of brecciated jasper. Sometimes it is just referred to as brecciated jasper, but the modern term is poppy jasper. It has the qualities of enhancing organizational abilities, relaxation, and a sense of wholeness. It is occasionally used to assist when dowsing. It aligns the chakras and balances the yin-yang, physical, and emotional. It is a stone of protection, and is used in particular for protection during astral travel. Poppy jasper encourages attunement and communication with animals and can help with animal allergies, plus other allergies. It brings happiness and a good outlook on life and eases stress. Poppy jasper can help increase physical endurance and ward off dehydration. It is also a good stone for grounding oneself and is associated with the root chakra.

Prasiolite- Prasiolite is named for the Greek words "prason" meaning leek, and lithos "stone", for its leek green color. It's also called vermarine or green amethyst, and is technically a greened amethyst. In metaphysical lore, Prasiolite is a stone of originality and courage and can foster self-reliance in all situations. Prasiolite is also a prosperity stone, said to attract abundance. It can help strengthen and express emotions as well as the mind and will. It is also said to be highly beneficial for prophesy. It is used in crystal healing for cleansing the body of toxins of all kinds, tumors, stomach acid, ulcers, assimilation of nutrients, and healing the whole body from a spiritual level.

Prehnite- Utilized for meditation. Enhances the ability to make contact with unseen entities. Multiplies / increases energy and strengthens ones protective fields. Considered the stone for dreaming / remembering. Increases ability for prophesy. Allows inner knowing. Powerful stone, not to be taken lightly. Increases accuracy with predictions.

Purpurite- Pyrite / Fool's Gold one of the most grounding stones in use today. Used for focus, practicality, logic, memory, clearing fuzzy thinking / scattered ness, etc. like Hematite. Helps yellow chakra: stomach, intestines, ulcers; sulphur and mineral assimilation, circulation, body acidity imbalances, depression, illusions / lack of clarity about situations / people. Great for grounding spiciness after meditation / psychic readings. Represents Sun's golden energy.

Pyrite-A natural sulfide or iron. Aids digestive system of abdomen and upper intestinal tract. Eases anxiety, depression, frustration and false hopes. Strengthens astral body. Opens mind to new ideas, intellectually stimulating, links left and right hemispheres of brain facilitating communication between logic and emotion. Promotes analysis, creativity, psychic development, memory, channeling activities, strength of will. Pyrite is claimed to increase the oxygen supply in the blood, to strengthen the circulatory system in general and to be useful in clearing congested air passages.

Pyromorphite- Pyromorphite is a mineral that enhances the energies of other minerals. Pyromorphite is said to attract money and other objects of wealth, and can help one see the steps to take to achieve goals, giving it the nickname "the Victory Stone". It also activates and stimulates one's personal energy. Pyromorphite can be used to get rid of creative blocks. It is also used to renew connections with people one has lost touch with. Pyromorphite should not be used directly to make elixirs. Pyromorphite is excellent for healing because of its enhancement of other stones used in crystal healing. Physically, pyromorphite is used for chills, gum disease, removing organisms from the blood, and assimilating B vitamins.

Quantum Quattro Silica-Quantum Quattro Silica™ is from Namibia, the only known source for this combination of minerals: royal blue shattuckite, robin egg blue chrysacola, forest green dioptase, in smoky quartz with pastel light green malachite. Quantum-Quattro Silica™ is an immune system builder that is able to work within the DNA structure and cellular level to re-polarize and magnetically open the gateways to God’s direct healing light. It is effective in healing past grief induced trauma that is locked within the emotional energy field and the body’s cells, causing pain in both areas. It can and will align all energy bodies, all chakras—both on the body and above and below it—if it is used with sincere prayer, and peaceful meditation.

Quartz Crystal-A natural crystalline silica. So many uses and properties that it needs a whole book to itself! The Quartz Crystal attracts the powers of light and energy and is said to be an excellent powerful general healer and dynamic working tool which works on all levels - strengthening, cleansing and protecting. Purifies air. Protects against harmful electrical vibrations. Assists the wearer to think intuitively. Amplifies and transmits subtle vibrations. The symbol of elemental wholeness, containing the four elements of creation. Assists development and integration of our entire being. Assists us to amplify, focus, direct, transmit and store energy. Its greatest attribute is known to be its use as an aid to opening the psychic centers, enabling the ability to meditate at a deeper level and to free one's mind from the mundane and the trivia. It releases the higher consciousness and develops mystical and spiritual gifts.

Rainbow Moonstone- Rainbow moonstone has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance and harmony. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes.

Rainbow Obsidian- Rainbow Obsidian (Sheen Obsidian) is called a "stone of pleasure" because one of its most notable attributes metaphysically is bringing pleasure, enjoyment and joy to one's life. It also brings love and light to one and can bring out the Spiritual. Rainbow Obsidian is used psychically to enhance clairvoyance and is an excellent scrying stone, especially in the areas of love, relationships and self-development. It is also a very protective stone, and is especially effective in protection rituals and amulets, where it works by grounding out negativity to let light in. Thus, it is also a very grounding and centering stone. Rainbow Obsidian is primarily associated with the root chakra.

Rainforest Jasper-(aka Australian Rain Forest Jasper, Rhyolite, Ryolite) Rainforest Jasper or Australian Rainforest Jasper, is more specifically known geologically as rhyolite or ryolite. It is known as a stone of resolution and perseverence. It is said to help communication of all kinds, and helps one listen easily and without distorting the message one is hearing. It is also a wonderful stone for meditaiton. Rainforest Jasper balances the Yin/Yang (masculine and feminine) energies. It can help one allow other people into their lives, even if one has been reclusive or solitary. It is also a stone of protection. Physically, Rainforest Jasper is used for cleansing the liver, regeneration, and general healing. It is related to and helpful with the solar plexus chakra primarily, and also the throat chakra.

Red Aventurine- This material provides reflective qualities so that one can recognize the flaws of humanity and can remain in the heart space to continue to love this same humanity. It can help one look at a situation incomplete detail, magnifying those aspects of importance. It provides for self reflection, and allows one to recognize that "In each person you see but the reflection of that which you choose to have that person be." It can be used when fasting, to reduce hunger.

Red Jasper - Protection; grounding; tranquility

Red Orange River Quartz-Red Orange River Quartz is found in South Africa, at, you guessed it, the Orange River. Red hematite gives this quartz its deep orangey-red. The combination of the quartz and the hematite energize and at the same time ground you. Red Orange River Quartz is good for helping accept one's life path, and is excellent for self-realization and acceptance. It is helpful for clear thinking and decision making. It aligns the lower chakras.

Red Tiger’s Eye – Enhances psychic abilities; protective

Rhodizite- Rhodozite is sometimes called the "master crystal." It is a truly positive energy stone that never needs to be cleared or charged. Rhodizite assists with astral travel by helping you get and process the information needed from the astral travel. It is also very helpful for meditation, making stilling the mind much easier. Madagascar Shamans are said to use rhodizite for "cloud busting" and initiating rain. Energetically, rhodizite is very powerful for unlocking and clearing blockages, and activating all the chakras. Physically, rhodizite is helpful for cancer, tissue inflammation, cellular diseases, pH balance in the body, stabilizing brain function, and is an excellent energy booster for all types of healing.

hodochrosite-Prevents mental breakdowns, balances physical and emotional traumas. Improves eyesight, kidney, pancreas and spleen. Inspires forgiveness, heals emotional scars, attracts love.

Rhodonite-Restores physical energy (especially following trauma or shock).

Rhyolite-Rejuvenates physical beauty. Helps increase self-expression and to speak with greater clarity.

Richterite- Richterite is a stone of calmness, relaxation and strength. It is said to help lessen the "fight or flight" syndrome associated with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and other anxiety states. It is said to help one balance action and reaction, and handle life in a calm, steady, and strong manner. When one is already in a relaxed state such as meditation, richterite can profoundly deepen the relaxation, allowing the body freedom to heal more fully, grow stronger, and for the mind to expand into higher states of awareness. As a throat chakra stone, richterite is involved with communication, but rather than external communication it is primarily involved with communication within the entity or person. Physically richterite is used in folklore and spiritual healing to aid in healing of circulation problems, glandular problems, particularly thyroid problems, respiratory problems, parasites, fevers of various kinds, and typhoid. Richterite is commonly associated with the throat (5th) chakra.

Rock Crystal-Relieves diarrhea, dizziness, hemorrhage, kidney troubles, spasms, vertigo. Helps ease pain anywhere.

Rose Quartz- Excellent for emotional balancing in relationships, friendships, and higher love. Helpful for spiritual awakening, compassion, personal attunement, forgiveness, self-acceptance, adapting to changes, tapping into inner voice, restoring faith, and fertility. Raises low self-esteem, assists in healing, and enhances creatvity.

Rubellite / Red Tourmaline- (October Birthstone). Strengthens, grounds / rejuvenates and warms. Unites heart and body for love, courage, passion, energy, stamina and steadiness. High Lithium content (thus pink / red color) brings emotional balance, lovingness, and devotion in a down-to-earth way. Balances body's electro chemistry. Heart and root chakra. Helps detach from personal pain. Releases reproductive, blocks; stimulates fertility. Used to strengthen and detox blood and immune system and to ease radiation effects. Yang.

Ruby Aura (Ruby Aura Quartz)- Ruby Aura Quartz is quartz that is treated by permanently bonding platinum or gold and platinum to the surface of quartz crystal. Crystal healing and metaphysical lore of Ruby Aura is as follows. Ruby aura is a stone of passion and vitality. It is also very protective, especially so in times of upheaval and turmoil, and against aggression and violence. It is helpful for overcoming survival issues of all kinds and cleansing the base or root chakra. Physically, in crystal healing and traditional folklore, ruby aura is used in healing the back, feet, hips spine, and legs.

Ruby-A deep red transparent gemstone, a form of corundum. As well as aiding intuitive thinking, the ruby is believed to increase levels of energy and divine creativity. It is often used to alleviate disorders of the blood, such as anemia, poor circulation and menstrual problems. Also used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.

Ruby in Fuschite- Ruby in Fuschite brings together the energies of ruby and fuschite and creates a synergy that is more than the sum of the parts. Ruby in Fuschite does, of course, have properties of both the Ruby and the Fuschite that comprise it. But as a conglomerate stone, it also has additional metaphysical properties lore. Ruby in Fuschite is especially known in the mystic as balancing stimulation with intuition, making it a great stone for psychic work in a very powerful way. It can also bring a great deal of awareness of problems of all kinds, whether emotional stress, social issues, lifestyle or physical health, and use this awareness to find solutions. Ruby in Fuschite is also said to help one understand Love at a Higher level. Physically, in crystal healing lore, Ruby in Fuschite is said to be helpful with ailments where body functions are out of balance, carpal tunnel syndrome, blood and spleen issues, and virility. Ruby in Fuschite is also said to be helpful when used in groups of multiple stones for crystal healing to amplify the healing energies of the stones.

Ruby in Zoisite- Ruby in Zoisite is an energy amplification stone that can energize the entire field of one's body. It is used for psychic ability and empowerment, as well as altered states of consciousness. Ruby in Zoisite stimulates the crown chakra. Physically, it is beneficial for heart disorders, and physical vitality.

Rudraksha Seeds- Rudraksha (or Rudraksa) is the dried fruit of Elaeocarpus Ganitrus, which grows mostly in Indonesia.. Rudraksa literally translates to: Rudra=Shiva’s aksa=Eye, meaning that it is pleasing to the eye of Shiva. Sometimes it is referred to as "Tears of Shiva". Hindu holy literature has it that Rudraksha beads, also known as Rudraksa, have many special powers, including curing all types of ailments and absolving all kinds of sins. The number of facets each bead has changes the number and types of sins that the seed can absolve. Altogether, Rudraksha is a powerful healing and absolution component according to traditional Hinduism.

Rutilated Quartz-Rutilated quartz is said to be of particular benefit to those who suffer from respiratory complaints of any form such as asthma, bronchitis etc.

Sapphire-Helps bleeding, insomnia and nervousness.

Sardonyx-Stimulates self-control and protection.

Satin Spar / Selenite- Translucent / opaque from Gypsum group. Gypsum, white / clear striated crystals. Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini. Centuries old record keepers of events/information. Smoothes emotions. Holding crystal, visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher ideas / consciousness) from transpersonal point above head down through body, out through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on 3rd eye for stored info. May help physical and emotional letting go. Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility. Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, field of awareness.

Scapolite- Scapolite is known as a stone of problem solving and achievement. It is said to help find elegant solutions to problems, make changes in one's life, and bring inspiration and strength of purpose. Use scapolite mystically for bringing energies of breaking old patterns of sabotaging self and bringing acceptance of success. In this way, scapolite is a stone of success too. Spiritually, scapolite is said to bring peace of mind and calm debilitating emotions. Intuitives use scapolite on computers, TV's and other electronic equipment to absorb and negate EMF emissions. Folklore and spiritual healing says that scapolite is helpful for eyesight; mental clarity; glaucoma; cateracts; tension and pain in shoulders, neck, upper chest, and head; bone disorders; calcium assimilation; recovery from surgery; arthritis pain; and emotional chaos. Spiritual healers also use scapolite to draw out pain.

Schorl (Black Tourmaline)- Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is associated with the root or base chakra, and is excellent for grouding excess energy. It is a well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for repelling and protecting one from black magick, and is often said to return the negative spell to the sender. Some claim that black tourmaline deflects all kinds of energy, but my personal experience is that it's not so. It is possible that the black tourmaline's effect of grounding excess energy gives this impression. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation energy from tv's and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional stability. Physically, black tourmaline can strengthen the immune system, help with heart disease, arthritis, and gout.

Scolecite- Scolecite is a stone of connections, patterns, and peace. It has energy for helping to see patterns of information, make connections, network, and collect patterns together. With this gentle but powerful energy, these things are brought to bear: growing and improving relationships; understanding, stabilizing and improving organizations and groups; networking with people. It can also assist with understanding the root of a problem or issue or challenge so that it can be worked with and overcome successfully. This energy can help take control of life so that what you want can be manifested. The peace energies of scolecite are far-reaching and can help one learn gentleness, inner peace, living from the heart with peace and lack of fear. Emotionally, scolecite has been used to decrease violence in thought, emotion, and behavior. Physically, scolecite has been used in crystal healing for circulation, blood clotting, clogged arteries, bruises, mental imbalances, eyes, lungs, intesting, misaligned spine, and removing parasites. Scolecite is associated with the third eye and crown chakras.

Selenite-Selenite calms and clears troubled minds and is useful in personal meditation and visualization. Stabilizes one's emotions, bringing them under calm control.

Septarian- Septarian is a geode that is a combination of yellow calcite, brown aragonite, grey limestone and white/clear barite, thus it has properties of each of its component minerals. Septarian is brings calming energies which have a nurturing feel to them, and can bring feelings of joy and spiritual uplifting. Septarian is used to enhance and nurture communication with groups, making it much easier to speak clearly and kindly in group settings.Septarian is also used to assist with communication with Mother Earth. It is said to bring unconscious foreknowledge needed by the user to help him or her always be prepared for what is coming up. In crystal healing folklore, Septarian is used for healing of the blood and kidneys. Septarian is related to the lower chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus.

Seraphinite- Seraphinite (serafina, chlinochlore) is often referred to an an angel stone because of its higher energies and relationship with angels. Seraphinite is said to help contact angels and communicate with them. Psychically, seraphinite is beneficial for intuition and psychic awareness. This stone can be very protective of the heart chakra when used over this chakra, and is helpful for sending unconditional love. Seraphinite is a purifying stone that helps one find one's higher purpose and will. Seraphinite is also extremely helpful for all forms of transformation and transmutation, including the magickal kind. Physically, seraphinite is healing for nerves, brain cells, purification of the blood and organs and eliminating toxins, kidneys, liver.

Serpentine - Clears the chakras and is excellent for enhancing meditation.

Shattuckite- Shattuckite is often called a stone of reconciliation. It is reputed to have properties of assisting with reconcilation and renewal. Shattuckite is also used to channel information, particularly from extra-terrestrials; and it is used for automatic writing. It is said to calm the mind and create harmony. Crystal healing lore reputs that shattuckite is helpful for healing diabetes, calcium absorption problems, parathyroid, mites and other infestations, and tonsilitis. Shattuckite is primarily associated with the throat chakra.

Shiva Lingham- The Shiva Lingham Stone is from the sacred Narmada River in Onkar Mandhata, one of India's seven holy sites. Villagers gather this unique Crypto-crystalline quartz from shallow riverbeds. Lingham describes the shape-egg like, but hand polished to balanced proportions. This often worshiped fertility stone is revered by Hindus as the embodiment of Lord Shiva. Lingham is also the sacred Sanskrit word for phallus. In Tantra, the shape embodies masculine energy, dynamic expression and knowledge. The markings named Yoni (sacred sanskrit word for vulva), depicts the feminine energy, wisdom and intuition. Together, the female energy arouses the masculine urge to create. As such, the Tantric Lingham unifies the dualistic (male female) world into harmonious balance. The Shiva Lingham Stone is physical body stone. Nurtures second chakra. A great stone for those who did not receive proper nurturing in childhood. Use Chrysoprase with the Shiva Lingham stone to add courage to see the early experience and how it effects your life.

Silicon- Silicon, the natural element Si, is the second most abundant element after Oxygen. It is usually found as a portion of something else, in much the same way oxygen is. Quartz crystal, is, in fact, SiO2! Silicon, when purified by man, is a pure element energy, and though "manmade" does have mystical energies, just as Silicon lends its energies to the minerals and other things it is a part of. My initial take on Silicon was that it had energies of enhanced communication, agility of thought, and grace. After more research and time with the element, I've discovered more about Silicon. Silicon is also used to enhance and sharpen mental activity and focus. It is also said to promote discrimination in the sense of being able to sort out the truth from a great deal of possibly conflicting information. When using Silicon, many have found that its energies promote and accentuate positive energies for all situations. Silicon is said to be a great healer, and by some is called a "Master Healer" stone. Physically it is said in crystal healing to help with headaches, eyestrain, as well as repetitive motion injury and other difficulties related to overuse of computers. It is also said to be a great vitality booster, and help strengthen bones and teeth. In crystal healing it is sometimes used to purify the body and mind, and is helpful for enhancing manual dexterity. It is also said to promote increased memory and possibly help with Alzheimer's disease and other dis-ease states that affect the memory negatively.

Silver - Excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing. Works on mind / emotions to see overview, emotional balance and patience. Like the moon's energy, it has gentle, cool and smoothing effect. Thus it reduces inflammation, fever, and nervous system stress. Best with the gentler, cooler-colored gems. Works with pituitary and upper energy centers. Generally Yin. Wear the metal that you feel attracted to.

Silver leaf Agate - Used for grounding oneself and to bring abundance.

Silver Topaz- Silver topaz is a stone of success and manifestion when directed toward the highest good of all. It promotes creativity and individuality. It replaces negativity with love and joy. It enhances healing and visualization, and aids in the healing of depression, wounds, and skin problems. It helps communication with animals and plants. Silver topaz is associated with the crown chakra, but will work with all chakras. Topaz is associated with the astrological signs Scorpio and Saggitarius.

Smithsonite-Calms and clears, good to use in high anxiety situations.

Smokey Quartz-One of the the best stones for grounding and achoring stones which is important for psychic protection. It also helps with stress, fear and depression.

Snakeskin Agate-
Brings peace of mind.

Snow Quartz- Snow quartz is a stone that brings good fortune. It is also a calming and soothing stone. Snow quartz is helpful for meditation, and looking within. It also has all the properties of clear quartz to a lesser degree. Snow quartz is often used for purification. Physically, it is beneficial for the immune system.

Snowflake Obsidian - protects; strengthens in times of need A grounding stone - makes the user face up to responsibility. Dedicated to change, metamorphosis, purification, fulfillment, inner growth and introspection. Deflects negative energy.

Soapstone- Easy carving stone. Used for ornaments.

Socialite (Ululate / Royal Adele)-Solid, purple. Important healer's stone used to gently draw out pain (headaches too), inflammation, stress, disease, toxins, and emotional blocks. Protects; Absorbs and dissolves anger, hurt, unwanted energies. Is placed on Brow to alleviate depression/despair, stress. Brings spirit/light into physical body and heart for healing. Balances adrenal, pineal, pituitary, Lt / Rt brain. Peace of mind, well being, spiritual love and androgynous.

Sodalite-Excellent for writers and channelers; Calms your mind, Aids in group work; Unites logic and intuition; eliminates confusion.

Sphene- (a.k.a. Titanite, Staurolite / "Fairy Cross")- Brown / grey, cross like extrusions. Represents four elements and joining of spirit with earth / matter. Spirituality, compassion, allowing ness, dis-attachment. Focus cantered on the here and now.

Spiderweb Jasper- (black & green)- A multi-colored Jasper with patterns like that of a spider's web.

Spinel-Attracts help. Makes the wearer strong in character.

Spirit Quartz-Spirit Quartz was known as porcupine quartz or cactus quartz until it settled into its "real" name. Spirit quartz is reputed in the metaphysical lore to bring qualities of energy, peace, and positive energy to all realms. It is said to transform negative energy into positive energy, thereby being a very protective stone, and excellent for auric shielding as well as mental and physical types of protection. Spirit quartz is also excellent and often used for astral projection, dreamwork, shamanic journeying, and rebirthing. Emotionally it is said to remove fear, bringing emotional peace and happiness. Spirit quartz works very well with other minerals and can boost their energy as well as cleanse and activate them. Physically spirit quartz is used in traditional folklore and crystal healing lore for skin disorders, allergic reactions, colon disorders, detoxification, obsessive disorders, familial abuse related stress disorders. Spirit quartz is associated primarily with the crown chakra, but will work to align and balance all chakras together.

Stichtite- Stichtite is a stone that brings emotional awareness and expansion. It is a very calming stone that brings tranquility and peace to individuals and to one's environment. It help one to be gentle with self and others, and promotes keeping promises, openly sharing opinions, and considering all thoughts with love. It engenders loving companionship of all kinds. For family life, stichtite can help children behave positively. Physically, stichtite helps heal teeth, gums, skin elasticity, skin regeneration, mucous membrane problems. Stichtite is associated with the heart chakra, which it helps the passage of kundalini through.

Stilbite-Pale pink / grey / white. Pink is especially helpful with loving, creative energy, accepting ness, allowing ness, letting go, manifesting May vivify/heighten physical senses, esp. taste. Detoxifies. Gentle self-expression.

Staurolite-Used to help people who suffer from over caution or doubt. Stone of friendship and love, attracts good influences. Strengthens inner ear and improves sense of hearing. Aids vitamin absorption.

Sugilite (Lavulite)- Sugilite is sometimes known as "the healer's stone" because of its great ability to enhance healing. It is associated with the third eye and crown chakras. It lessens effects of shock and disappointment. In addition to its well known enhancement of crystal healing ability, it also strengthens spirituality, psychic ability and channelling. Sugilite is a stone that helps perfect spiritual love and open the heart chakra to unconditional love. It can help manifest one's natural gifts and protect against harsh realities. It lowers hostility, anger, jealousy and prejudice and gives a sense of freedom. Psychically, it is excellent for all kinds of psychic and spiritual protection. It has been used for headaches and to decrease all types of discomfort. Sugilite is associated with the brow chakra. It is also called Luvulite or Lavulite.

Sulphur- Solid / clear yellow. Rejuvenating, especially if one does a great deal of thinking / mental work and little physical exercise. Mental clarity, focus, analysis, understanding, will power, discipline and confidence. Used in Egypt and modern hot springs / baths for arthritis, pain, rheumatism, swelling, lymph, cysts, and hemorrhoids. Traditionally very healing for wounds, cleansing and healing skin, sinus, pancreas, liver, syphilis, appendix, indigestion, insomnia, depression; Strengthens endocrine glands. Found in garlic, mustard, chives, onions, horseradish, etc. Repels garden bugs.

Sunstone- Aventurine feldspar with gold-orange metallic sheen. Warms the heart and lifts / rejuvenates the spirit. Protection, life force and grounding.

Super Seven- Super Seven, also known as Melody's Stone or Sacred 7, is a very spiritual stone. It is one of the few stones that retain their energy and clarity and never needs cleansing or energizing. Also, a piece of Super Seven retains the properties of all the stones in the combination of amethyst, smoky quartz, clear quartz, rutile, goethite, lepidochrosite and cacoxenite, even if the piece does not visibly show all 7 minerals. Super Seven is excellent for enhancing all types of psychic abilities and psychic skills including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis, and others. It is a powerful stone for crystal healing, and is excellent for healing mind, body, and spirit dis-ease. Super Seven is not associated with any one chakra, but is reportedly fantastic at healing, balancing and energizing all seven chakras.

Tanzanite- Rare, Clear, blue-purple-violate Zoisite crystal. (Use clear ones for healing meditation.) Placed on brow, it powerfully opens brow plus crown centers for clairaudience, visions, spiritual connectedness, protection and manifesting. Helps expand our physical and mental seeing, hearing, hair and skin.

Tektite- Assists knowledge, as it is extraterrestrial in origin. Strengthens the energy field.

Thulite-To help those people who are resisting a condition or relationship which they regard as discouraging.

Tiger’s Eye – reduces stress; protective

Topaz - (February, November and December Birthstone). - Golden Topaz: Golden or pink / "Champagne" Crystal. The most powerful, electromagnetic of yellow / solar plexus gems. A strong, steady, high level gem for mental clarity, focus, perceptivity, high level concepts, confidence, personal power and stamina. Helps mood swings, insomnia, worries, fears, depression, exhaustion, nervous system stress, and stomach anxiety. Also works somewhat with the crown chakra. Liver / pancreas detoxification, blood sugar balance, tissue and backbone strengthener (physically and emotionally). Radiates warmth, sunlight energy, and protection. Excellent for water signs, teachers, excess work stress, manifesting and higher-self connection. Brings emotions and thinking into balance. - Pink and Champagne Topaz: Works also especially with the heart for love, spiritual compassion. - Blue Topaz: Alignment with our higher self, creative expression, writing, focus on your past.

Tourmalated Quartz- Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength. It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety and depression.

Tourmaline-Prevents lymphatic disease. Balances, protects, calms, gives self- confidence and cheerfulness. Useful for meditation. Attracts inspiration, goodwill and friendship. Protects wearer against misfortune and anaemia. Grounds high-frequency energies into the physicality.

Tree Agate - Used to gain insight into problems and see them for what they really are.

Turquoise-Excellent for ritual and ceremony, for gaining wholeness, knowledge, elemental wisdom, communicating with devas and ancestors, and promoting personal attunement. Stimulates motivation and healing. Beneficial for respiratory problems, greater self-realization, and endurance.

Ulexite- ("TV Stone") White / Translucent. Insight into self and others; seeing solutions to difficulties. Somewhat 3rd eye opening. Some find it helpful for amplifying dreams, imagination, imagery, fantasy states for creativity (not recommended if addictive or escapism tendency). May fall apart if soaked in water.

Unakite - Promotes visualization and psychic vision; Helps balance and gives one stability. A grounding stone.

Uvarovite- Green garnet. Used to give greater precision and understanding to the intellect.

Vanadinite-Helps with throat problems and communication.

Variscite- Solid cool, pale green. Eases depression, fear, worry, anxiety, impatience, stress of a hectic / pressured day by bringing calm and stillness to even the most busy/talkative mind, thus a good meditation stone. Works on astral and etheric level for healing via the nervous system (Central Nervous System) and at DNA level. Centers the solar plexus and heart chakra; also slightly helpful for intuition center. Skin and blood vessel elasticity, impotence / male reproductive healing. Gives courage to the carer to continue with the treatment of the sick and elderly and promotes understanding and help with that difficult task.

Verdite- Verdite is a stone that stimulates the energy centers/chakras. It can assist the movement of Kundalini. Often, verdite is used to access and assimilate ancient knowledge. Emotionally, verdite brings consistency, stability, and fortitude. Physically verdite is used for cleansing the blood, removing toxins, and genital disorders.

Vermeil- Vermeil is sterling silver coated with a heavy, more durable gold electroplating. The metaphysical properties lore combines the lore of both gold and silver including wealth, happiness, good feelings, intuition, removing negative energies, moon energies, and more.

Vivianite-Symbol of rebirth, burns away old ways of looking at things and gives you a new perspective on life. Helps clear vision at all levels.

Vogesite- is a form of Jasper. It comes from South Africa. It is a multi-colored jasper / chalcedony with patterns and swirls of golden yellow, reds, olives, browns, and ivory.

Watermelon Tourmaline- Heart balancer. Promotes understanding of self and emotions.

Wavellite-Worry / Stress Stones- This is not one particular kind of stone, but usually any crystal that is sliced into a thin piece and often has a groove carved into the stone for the thumb. Worry stones are great to use in a stressful situation. You simply rub the flat stone with thumb and forefinger. It is said that the stone will absorb the stress from your body the more you gently rub the stone. Stones that are easily cut, such as agate, onyx, and quartz, make great Worry stones

White Fairy Quartz- Fairy Quartz is a fledgling Spirit Quartz, showing the milky white lazer wand point and a light coating of smaller crystals growing on it. Fairy Quartz has a very soothing energy, which brings peace and calm to those in its energy field, including the groups, families, and individuals. This soothing energy is extremely beneficial for emotional pain or illness. It also brings heightened energy even as it calms. Fairy Quartz is great for meditation. Physically, Fairy Quartz is used for detoxifying the body and tissues, removing pain, and overall healing.

Witches Fingers (Witch's Finger Quartz)- Witches Fingers are excellent tools that are quartz crystal with actinolite, mica, and/or rutile inclusions. They are excellent for crystal grids for healing and protection. They are also great protection against chaotic energy, and can be placed around a room or house to guard against chaotic energy. In addition, they are excellent for aura shielding. Witches Fingers are also good for meditation, channeling information regarding spiritual growth and attracing spiritual partners to help you down your spiritual path. Physically, they are good for general healing, and healing dis-ease caused by chaotic physical conditions, such as cancer.

Wonderstone- Wonderstone is a type of rhyolite that grows with gorgeous patterns of creams, yellows, pinks and reds. As with all rhyolite, it is an excellent meditation stone, and enhances creativity. It brings energies of tranqulity and helps eliminate worries. It also helps reduce or eliminate depression and anxiety, giving an overall sense of wellbeing. Wonderstond can also bring mental clarity and give insigh into the right course of action. Physically, wonderstone has been used to help with back pain, and abdominal pain. Wonderstone is associated with the sacral chakra, particularly in connection to the heart chakra.

Wulfenite-Translucent yellow to red, mostly orange crystal. Invigorates and harmonizes emotions, passion, and appetite. Warms and grounds. Helps us get in touch with feelings. Used for healing and warming reproductive (especially women's). Spleen and yellow chakras, and digestion / nutrition assimilation. Cleanses and uplifts emotions, muddiness, stuck ness or imbalance in spleen.

Yellow Calcite- Yellow calcite stimulates the intellect. It can help one organize intellectual thoughts and information. It is also good for psychic abilities. In the physical realm, yellow calcite benefits the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine.

Yellow Jasper - Grounding absorbs negative energy; protects you during spiritual work.

Yellow Topaz-A yellowish transparent mineral. Topaz helps to overcome stress and soothes nerves thereby helping one to achieve a deeper sleep. It is also good for colds and flu. Strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation, varicose veins, sense of taste.

Yttrian Fluorite-Yttrian Fluorite, also called Yttrium Fluorite or lavender flurotie is an unusual form of purple fluorite. It is a stone of manifestation which is said to help ground the ideas of philosophers, thinkers, and dreamers by manifesting their plans. It is said to make ideas come to life, and is a stone that is thus said to bring self-fulfillment and self-actualization. We all have a little bit of the dreamer in us, so it's easy to see that these energies could be used by all. Yttrian fluorite's mystical energies are said to increase weath and mental prowess, too. It is often used by those in service professions, as the manifestation energies are in great need there. Its mystical energies of making complex ideas and thoughts understandable by most anyone can also be extremely helpful. Yttrian Fluorite is also said to bring serenity and peace by calming the mind. It is used to enhance intuition and bring clarity to psychic readers and clairvoyants. Yttrian fluorite is related to the heart, third eye and crown chakras.

Zebra Stone- Zebra stone is a stone that can help us connect to mother earth and to the infinite energy and love in the universe. Zebra stone, by these connections, can show us our own true natures and help us see past illusion. Zebra stone is particularly effective at protecting one's aura. Physically, zebra stone stimulates energy, and is beneficial for stamina, endurance, bone disorders, osteoporosis, teeth, gums, muscle spasms, and heart palpitations.

Zeolites- Zeolites are a family of minerals and related minerals, including apophyllite, chabazite, stilbite, heulandite, goosecreekite, laumonite, natrolite and others. Technically, zeolites are framework silicates with exchangeable cations and some of the minerals considered zeolites metaphysically do not strictly fit the technical criteria, but are like "cousins" with some metaphysical properties that are the same. In particular, zeolites are said to be extraordinarily helpful for absorbing and removing toxins, whether it be in the environment or in a person. In a person, this metaphysical aspect would make zeolites excellent healing stones, and they are often used in conjunction with Reiki. Zeolites are also said to be useful for agriculture or gardening, especially when they are buried in the field or garden. Zeolites are said to remove negative energy and bring in happiness where the negative energy was. Mystical healing lore says that zeolites are helpful for goiter, addictions, detoxification, and bloating. Each individual type of zeolite also has its own unique metaphysical properties.

Zincite- Zincite in metaphysical lore is a stone of synthesis. It can bring together seeminly disparate or chaotic energies and synthesize them to work together well. It is particularly wellknown from Melody's books to synethesize energies of personal power, physical energy, and creativity. This makes it a powerful stone for boosting creative energies in a way that brings creations to fruition. It is often used to remove energy blockages, as well as being used in Radionics. Zincite can also synthesize groups of people or things, bringing together like-minded people and promoting their efforts as a group. Yellow zincite in particular can bring or boost a strong sense of one's own personal power and enable one to use it. Zincite is used in crystal healing lore to treat chronic fatigue, AIDS and other auto-immune problems, bronchitis, and candida, as well as prevention of epileptic seizure. Zincite is related to the lower chakras.

Zircon-General healer. Helps liver complaints, childbirth, insomnia. Promotes spiritual sight and understanding.

Zoisite-Strengthens the male genitals and the female cervix. Helps to increase fertility.

Zoisite (Green)- Zoisite (green) is considered in mystical lore to be a stone that brings and enhances trust in the universe and trust in the ultimate goodness of life. This brings trust in general as well as releases fears, which can bring a depth of happiness to one's life. Zoisite is also said to bring energy and dispel laziness. Crystal healing lore purports that zoisite is good for vitality, adrenal glands, reproductive organs, and strengthening the heart. Zoisite is associated primarily with the heart chakra, but is sometimes associated with the root and sacral chakras.