Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fossil Sites

This is a List of fossil sites where most of my Fossils have come from:

"Jurassic Park"- 1 of 4 areas of the North Dakota Badlands. It's nicknamed this because of the mixture of fossil animals.

The Pita Flats- 2 of 4 areas of the Dakota Badlands. "P.I.T.A." stands for "Pain In The Ass" *lol* It's called this because of how far the site is from the main road.

Pretty Butte- 3 of 4 areas of the Dakota Badlands. Named for it's beautiful multicolor layered rock formations.

Mud Butte- 4 of 4 areas of the Dakota Badlands. Named for the Mudstone Butte.

Glen Loch Mill- A site in Jamesville, NY where the building backs into a creek.

A Creek in Madison Co.- has caughed up some fossils including a Phaecops rana (or as I call it "Independencia").

A Local High School- My old Alma Matar has coughed up at least 70 Horn and Rugose Corals as well as a few species of Crinoids.

Town Park- A park in Madison County has given me some of my first fossils when I moved here. Including a crinoid and a weird and unknown fossil called "Allofossor foliformis".

Chittenango Falls- an area in central New York where fossils dating to about 430 million years have been found.

Pratt's Falls- another area in centeral new york where fossils have been found about 430 million years old.